Sunday, August 1, 2021

National Family History Month August 2021 Issue 1


National Family History Month

August 2021

National Family History Month… it is indeed

And the challenge has been set

Fingers to keyboard and words on page

How could we ever forget?

A Family Tree Frog has made the call

I bet that you didn’t know

That frogs could call as well as croak

And this one never lets time slow..

So think a bit and write a lot

Maybe just one a week

Open your hearts and tell us all

Into your life we all will peek…

Maybe it is memories

That you’ve always longed to share

Perhaps you have a secret wish

Or troubles you’d like to share.

Write whatever suits your style

Let those dreams come true

You never know, the next blog star

Could very well be YOU!

Crissouli © 1st August 2021



  1. Oh Chris! You are just wonderful. I love the cartoon. You've captured this little frog perfectly. I sit here with cup of tea in hand and dressing gown on, ready to face the day and whatever may come! A beautiful poem, written from the heart. Love your work :)

  2. Glad you liked it, Alex...
    We need a laugh in these 'interesting times'...

  3. Live this Chris! Looking forward to you posts for #NFHM2021

  4. What fun Chris - and a talented poet. Love it.

    1. We all need some fun in our lives... thanks for your comment, Flissie..

  5. Super post Chris - short, sweet and to the point.


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