Friday, May 18, 2018




J. Miller MARSHALL (22 November 1858 - 12-Jun-1935)                                                                               
Dead in Minehead, England.  PUBLIC DOMAIN.


Being a woman in Ireland in 2018  The Silver Voice ... a must read

family that goes back 100 years -- see the British monarchy's full family tree | Business Insider

The Empire Called and I Answered: Female Relatives Badges

Jimmy Two Times' home catered for all religions | Northern Star Samantha Elley

Maine man learns truth of his past: Nuns stole him as a baby from his mother in Ireland - Portland Press Herald

Genealogy and the Golden State serial killer – John Grenham – Irish Roots

Outback Family History 

Atlas Obscura 

Office Highway a must see! 

Anglo-Celtic Connections


Find My Past

Ireland Newsletter

records-access alerts

Do take a few moments to read.. this explains why you are getting all those privacy law emails.

The issue of data protection and right to be forgotten legislation has spread globally. The EU's  Justice Commissioner Vera Jourvana said the recent Facebook- Cambridge Analytica scandal has been "a campaign" for the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in a way she could not have done.  See:

The New York Times has an opinion piece on the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation which becomes effective on May 25, 2018. The GDPR not only codifies the right to be forgotten it gives the consumer greater control over their data, makes the data processor take responsibility for its protection. Europeans will have the right to data portability—moving their data from one company including social media network to another, and citizens' data may not be held outside of the EU and more.  The law is not easy to understand and to have the EU adopt the GDPR it took over 4,000 amendments and three years of negotiations.  To read the NY Times opinion piece see:

Interestingly, some of the data that is being affected is not what we would think. Poland became the world's first to put banking records on the block chain. This provides compliance with right to be forgotten. See:

The European Union is not the only country(countries) that are looking at what controls on data they should adopt.  Recently, in Australia their Senate passed a motion asking the government to "consider the impact of Australia's insufficient and out-dated privacy laws on all Australians…".  The Senate agreed GDPR should be regarded as the global best practice for standards in data privacy law and Australia should use it as a model for its own laws.  See

The Australian recently published an article, "Australia need to do more on data protection". Australia has had a number of data breaches and enacted the Notifiable Data Breach and in the first six weeks more than 63 data breaches were reported. The article argues that Australia may not have gone far enough to protect personal data compared to the EU's GDPR. The article also says consumers are demanding the right to be forgotten.

In another The Australian article it discusses what Australia might benefit from the GDPR including, opting in by users for third party access; tighter controls on information storage; one-click enable/disable function for users to enforce control. See: 

As a result of the GDPR businesses may have a problem knowing what  information they may make the consumer divulge to the companies such as Google, Facebook and more.  Facebook has included in their company's terms and conditions, " if you don't accept these you can't continue to use Facebook". Many of us have received over the past week notices from a variety of companies saying they have updated their data protection as a result of the GDPR requirements. As a result companies, not only Facebook say if users remove their consent to collecting data, including web-browsing or location data, they may not have access to all or any of their services. See Wall Street Journal article:

In the United States we are seeing legislation addressing increased data protection in the United States Congress ( S 2639) and in states we are seeing legislation to increase security of consumers data California AB 2182.

To read the previous IAJGS Records Access Alert postings about  the European Union's GDPR, right to be forgotten, Australian  privacy issues, US privacy legislation and more go to: You must be registered to access the archives.  To register go to:  and follow the instructions to enter your email address, full name and which genealogical  organization with whom you are affiliated.   You will receive an email response that you have to reply to or the subscription will not be finalized.

Jan Meisels Allen
Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee

If you've read the above notice all the way through, are you finding it any clearer? All this can be both confronting and confusing, and is certainly open for discussion.

What does it all mean for family historians .. I can only comment as a layperson. I have no more knowledge than anyone else is gathering from the media. What I am seeing is an inbox full of messages such as 'we respect your privacy', 'what we do with the data we collect from you' and similar phrases.  You will be asked to give your consent to continue receiving emails, offers, discounts, using information from particular sites, registrations for various organisations and associations, deals with companies, and so forth. 

It can seem 'over the top', but all we can do just now is to decide on each individual case that presents, as to whether we wish to continue receiving communications, whether we are happy to be on mailing lists, whether we agree to having our details shared with third parties...or whatever terms and conditions are presented. Do read these messages - make your own decisions and either agree or not, stay or cancel.  You can always change your mind later, but it is up to you to be fully informed. We often complain that we have lost our's a chance to do something about it.



Sister Minnie Goldstein      Anne Young

Thinking Big  The Irish Aesthete

Down on the Farm  The Irish Aesthete

Down Memory Lane | The Legal Genealogist

Family Connections: #52Ancestors - Week 19 - Mothers Day

The wreck of the “Casino” | Anne's Family History

family tapestry Isabel Flynn

Is the record transcribed? Martin Roe Eidhammer

and from my blogs..

That Moment in Time

FREE Books, Greek embroidery, rent only graves, Qld Justices of the Peace records, Irish barbary apes, health reports-raw DNA,  Rum Rebellion, Aust. flying mail, gold strike Qld, dead sea scrolls-new imaging, sick & dying in every doorway, privacy laws changing re adoptions, 700.000 yr old butchered rhino, King Tut’s tomb, French Nazis in Sydney,  Welsh family research, artist’s quilts tribute African-American women, 100yr old US flag home, unearthing headstones,

As They Were

2018, Gathering of the McShane Clan, Hobart, Irish convicts, June, Pontville, Tasmania, 

Headlines of Old

Old Sydney + Devonshire Street Cemetery - Trove Tuesday 15 May 2018, Unhonoured dead, Hussey/Tipperary, early Sydney, Gooseberry Queen, demolishing Devonshire Street, Mrs. J.E. Foster,
Feel free to share

Irish Graves

Kalgoorlie, WA  thanks to Moya Sharp (Outback Family History)
Peak Hill Cemetery, Western Australia thanks to Moya Sharp and Joan Peters

Camden Catholic Cemetery regional NSW thanks to Kevin Banister

Carr Villa, Launceston, Tasmania thanks to Janine Wilson

Hopetoun Cemetery, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria  thanks to Xanthia Xtrail and Wayne Hill

Cascade, Iowa, USA,  from various counties in Ireland… thanks to John Mayer  

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