BSQ Blog returns.... Bobbie Edes Accentuate the Positive
Note: a number of bloggers have participated in the above Jill Ball’s challenge to Accentuate the Positive. You can read them all on Jill's blog above... Always interesting answers to Jill's challenge.
Accentuate the Positive 2022 - The Responses GeniAus (Jill Ball)
* Australia Day Free Records: Access 95 Million Records from Australia for Free! - MyHeritage Blog limited time..
#TreasonSeason - exhibition tour video Online events coming up soon
John Grenham New marriage maps
Judy Webster 40 of my favourite genealogy indexes / sources
Alex Daw Writing your family history
Just Because
Hobart quilter Katherine Jones wins national, international awards for two-year creation - ABC News
Wanderlust Twins
Glavni trg Square in Maribor, Slovenia Summer Rain Porch, Brentwood, Tennessee Statues at Khai Dinh Mausoleum, near Hue / Vietnam Traditional beehive huts in Ezulwini, Swaziland Wandering round temples, Bagan, Myanmar Primeval Forest, Skipton Woods, England Halloween Night, Salem, Massachusetts Turquoise Lake, China
Outback Family History
The Kalgoorlie Dog and Poultry Society
The Coolgardie Chambers – a family story
The Quantock Girls – grave tales
Coolgardie – a womans point of view
Irish Genealogy
'Next-of-kin appeals resonate with me': Irish genealogy firm offers 'closure' in sad circumstances
These Irish names are “so out they're in" for 2023, experts predict - IrishCentral
Priest and genealogist to attend burial of Irishman who died alone in England
Atlas Obscura
The Emperor And His Coin Ecuadorian Dancing Devils
Where Wind Is an Ingredient Underground House
Memorial to Félicette, the First Cat in Space Mad Honey
The Lion House Podcast The Lost Art of Funeral Confectionery
Algerian Jewish Sign Language Breaking Baking Boundaries
Maggie Wall's Memorial Scotland Real Zombies and Body Snatchers
Mansfield Traquair Centre Edinburgh The Birthplace of Scrabble
The 1910 Gila County Sheriff's Office and Jail Songs of Ice Podcast
The Chefs Feeding Antarctic Researchers Got Stones? Make Wine
Maasai Mara Wildlife Reserve Tomb of Daniel at Samarkand
Mission Garden Funky Ferry Rides Bra Sausage Meet Ma Rainey
The Govan Cat The Duck Brigade Wych Elm of Beauly Priory
Antarctica’s Furry, Intrepid Explorers Museum of Material Failures
The Victorian Society That Tried to Preserve ‘Old London’
Historical Sammies Crossword Tomnadashan Mine
Urnes Stave Church World’s Oldest Billboard Morning Pub Run
Lloyds Bank Coprolite How Awe Can Shape Our World
Edna Ferber Revisited Elements of Design: Spotlight on Color
How Media Stifles Deliberative Democracy
The Murders in the Rue Morgue: Annotated
When Uptown Chicago was “Hillbilly Heaven”
Genealogy Ireland
Tracking down beneficiaries and next-of-kin - Newstalk
US Speaker Kevin McCarthy's family 'most likely from West Cork' | Southern Star
Lonetester HQ Remembering Valda Irene Phillips (1921-2023)
Gerry Bolton Frederick Shayler’s Apprenticeship
The Legal Genealogist GEDmatch sold again The plot thickens…
Humouring the Goddess Sunday Evening Art Gallery –Tables
Micah Ofstedahl Select a Category … Any Catagory Tony Cragg
Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Tin Yan Chan
Faerie Paths — Embrace It Doesn’t Stop .. Not If You Don’t Let It
clarejk2014 Time for an adventure (or how to get motivated into getting fit)
allenrizzi Etowah, North Carolina Stock Fences The Biggest Salmon
Stair na hÉireann Ireland 1845–52
Geniaus My Cousin Tim
Tales from the Grave Her family history became a literary classic.
That Moment in Time
FRIDAY FOSSICKING 20th Jan 2023, how to look for census records, passenger list W.A. “Sophia” 27 Jul 1850, new occasional segment “Just Because”, mysterious graves, gourmet guinea pigs,
Repel evil spirits?, destruction of 30,000 year old cave drawings, “an incentive to marry” …and other great blogs, records access alerts, book reviews, opium’s history in China, good times with bad music.. and so much more..
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Headlines of Old
PERSONALS & LOCAL NEWS Trove Tuesday 24th Jan 2023,
country & city news, over a number of years... some personal, some general news, you never know what you will discover…are your ancestors mentioned?
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