Public Domain An Australian Gold Diggings, oil on canvas
Calling all Geneabloggers Going to DNA Down Under Alona Tester
How to find your Liverpool ancestors for free - Family history for FREE - Family Tree
Australian Convict Transportation Records 1791-1868 - Ancestry.com.au
Do you have convict ancestors? This collection contains more than 122,000 records of convicts that arrived between 1791 and 1868 (not including the Third Fleet) and may include details of the date & place of conviction, term of sentence and departure date
RootsTech London: Not your Average Family History Conference Laura Hedgecock
Harry Potter star Radcliffe unearths tragic Northern Ireland roots on Who Do You Think You Are?
Belfast Telegraph
NSW Independent Planning Commission orders approval of Campbelltown's Varroville cemetery - ABC News .. a must read..
Atlas Obscura
It was like a library being burned to the ground, but these oral histories are bringing it back - ABC News
Haunted Ireland: The terrifying tale of Spiorad Na mBarna The Irish Post
Haunted Ireland: The terrifying tale of Spiorad Na mBarna The Irish Post
Your best photos for the week ending July 12, 2019 - #ABCMyPhoto - ABC News
[Dictionary of Sydney] Koori Knockout
How I work – John Grenham – Irish Roots
Virtual Exhibition At The State Library Of Victoria : THE PETITION 1853 Pandora
The Angels of Bataan: The World War II Nurses Who Survived Three Years in a Japanese Prison Camp | A Mighty Girl Thanks to Meryl Naismith
Koala carnage in Brisbane's 'triangle of death' - ABC News
An oasis rediscovered — finding the lost wells of the Simpson Desert - ABC News
Pelican tagged in Gippsland Lakes research project sighted in NSW, 700kms away ABC News
Unmarked suicide graves excluded from cemeteries to be identified by archaeologist - ABC News
A devil of a cure | The Quack Doctor
Magic symbols from Australian history's 'forgotten chapter' uncovered in Victoria - ABC News
Archaeology's Neolithic 'big bang' moment found in a 9,000-year-old city near Jerusalem - ABC News
1,150 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns | Open Culture
Discover and download over 30,000 original 78rpm records in this archive
Trove of English Court Records Reveal Stories of Murder, Witchcraft, Cheese Theft |Smithsonian
Murder she wrote – Ancestry.com.au Blog
Ulster American Folk Park looks great..
Dictionary of Sydney..... The Stolen Girls
Earl Grey’s Irish Famine Orphans (21):why did the Earl Grey scheme come to an end? | trevo's Irish famine orphans
Queensland Genealogy and Archives Research Tips - Judy Webster
Ancestry DNA testers please download your data Geniaus
Smartphone cameras — your guide to getting the best out of them ABC News
Augusta hosts genealogy symposium next month Atlanta Journal Constitution
Family History on a Budget: 6 Genealogy Money-Saving Techniques - Family Tree
Telstra blamed after NBN cable found strung between two trees in Sydney's south-west - ABC News
Australia's last millet broom factory tries to resist sweeping changes in consumer culture - ABC News
The Missing: Meet the families torn apart by China's crackdown on Uyghurs - ABC News
School in Tasmania during 1800s was cold, crowded and six days a week - ABC News
Families leave the land after generations amid succession struggles - ABC Rural
Irish Names and Surnames Library Ireland thanks to Christina Hunt
An oasis rediscovered — finding the lost wells of the Simpson Desert - ABC News
Pelican tagged in Gippsland Lakes research project sighted in NSW, 700kms away ABC News
Unmarked suicide graves excluded from cemeteries to be identified by archaeologist - ABC News
A devil of a cure | The Quack Doctor
Magic symbols from Australian history's 'forgotten chapter' uncovered in Victoria - ABC News
Archaeology's Neolithic 'big bang' moment found in a 9,000-year-old city near Jerusalem - ABC News
1,150 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns | Open Culture
Discover and download over 30,000 original 78rpm records in this archive
Trove of English Court Records Reveal Stories of Murder, Witchcraft, Cheese Theft |Smithsonian
Murder she wrote – Ancestry.com.au Blog
Ulster American Folk Park looks great..
Dictionary of Sydney..... The Stolen Girls
Earl Grey’s Irish Famine Orphans (21):why did the Earl Grey scheme come to an end? | trevo's Irish famine orphans
Queensland Genealogy and Archives Research Tips - Judy Webster
Smartphone cameras — your guide to getting the best out of them ABC News
Augusta hosts genealogy symposium next month Atlanta Journal Constitution
Family History on a Budget: 6 Genealogy Money-Saving Techniques - Family Tree
Telstra blamed after NBN cable found strung between two trees in Sydney's south-west - ABC News
Australia's last millet broom factory tries to resist sweeping changes in consumer culture - ABC News
The Missing: Meet the families torn apart by China's crackdown on Uyghurs - ABC News
School in Tasmania during 1800s was cold, crowded and six days a week - ABC News
Families leave the land after generations amid succession struggles - ABC Rural
Irish Names and Surnames Library Ireland thanks to Christina Hunt
Calling all Geneabloggers Going to DNA Down Under Alona Tester
How to find your Liverpool ancestors for free - Family history for FREE - Family Tree
Australian Convict Transportation Records 1791-1868 - Ancestry.com.au
Do you have convict ancestors? This collection contains more than 122,000 records of convicts that arrived between 1791 and 1868 (not including the Third Fleet) and may include details of the date & place of conviction, term of sentence and departure date
RootsTech London: Not your Average Family History Conference Laura Hedgecock
Harry Potter star Radcliffe unearths tragic Northern Ireland roots on Who Do You Think You Are?
Belfast Telegraph
NSW Independent Planning Commission orders approval of Campbelltown's Varroville cemetery - ABC News .. a must read..
Atlas Obscura
Morbid Cakes The Island That Eats Itself Urban Plant Life Hitchcock Cabinet
Walden Pond Changes Walk Cliff Lift Bournemouth, England Old Stolen Wallets Illinois
Walden Pond Changes Walk Cliff Lift Bournemouth, England Old Stolen Wallets Illinois
Vanishing Shipwrecks Meteorite Crash Heretical Baptistry Italy Black Mountain Australia
‘Mutiny Ship’ Park Panoramas Cufflink of Resistance 250 years old Wonders of Europe
Campus Curiosities Hólavallagarður Iceland Cemetery Paris’s ‘Urban Forests’
Rainbow Falls Hawaii Spelling Alphabets Sunken Boats Underwater Observation Tower
Tiny Snail Hero Torn Painting Doggie Diner Head Anarchists, Marble, and Lard Tuscany
Light-Up Cane great story Motte de la Jacquille burial mound, France
Family Search
Merging People in FamilySearch’s Family Tree Incorrect Merges on FamilySearch Family Tree
Family History and a Full Tree. What Now?
Editing Names on Indexed Records—FamilySearch Update
Finnish Culture and Your Finnish Heritage
What Was Life Like for My Ancestors?—Brad Westwood at RootsTech 2019
Find My Past
United States Passenger Lists Huddersfield Baptisms Huddersfield baptisms parish list
Middlesex Baptisms Yorkshire Memorial Inscriptions
Newspapers: Huddersfield Daily Examiner Harefield Gazette Field Tablet Search all newspapers
Discover your Czech roots 20 Unmissable Resources for Tracing British and Irish Ancestors watch
Explore more US passenger lists Explore Naturalization Petitions
Anglo-Celtic Connections
Beechwood Cemetery CWGC: John Taylor (1877 - 1919) Sunday Sundries
Canadians in The Journal of One-Name Studies A makeover for BIFHSGO's unique databases
Short Deadline: LAC seeks NCR nominees for Youth Advisory Council
Beechwood CWGC Burial: James Dyer 548 Volumes of U.S. Navy Muster Rolls now digitized
Summertime Reading for the Family Historian What do these people have in common?
Prof (Retired) Bruce Elliott Top Ten Genealogy Websites Ontario Civil Registration
Outback Family History
The Victoria Hotel – Coolgardie Family History Discovery Days: The Worker –
Matthew Jackson – pioneer profile The Railway Picnic – Bulla Bulling
Should the Moon Landing Site Be a National Historic Landmark?
The Downfall of the American Cowboy How Language and Climate Connect
Anthropologists Hid African Same-Sex Relationships
Will You Ever Fly in a Plane Propelled by Plants and Seeds?
The Intimacy of Crime Scene Photos in Belle Epoque Paris
Brisbane Writer's Festival September 2019
The National Library Australia FREE Peter Greste "Press Freedom in Australia and Why It Is in Crisis" 15 August
The National Archives UK
incl. On the blog: Anne Lister's records at The National Archives BBC series Gentleman Jack
I Love Bello Shire incl. Featured Events and What's On
Always Interesting
#OTD in Irish History – 15 July: Stair na hÉireann
Genealogy News Bytes - 12 July 2019 Best of the Genea-Blogs - 7 to 13 July 2019
Added and Updated Record Collections at FamilySearch.org - Week of 7 to 13 July 2019
Monday Genea-Pourri - 15 July 2019 Genealogy News Bytes - 16 July 2019
FREE "Family Tree Adventure" Event on 3 August Features Kenyatta Berry in Carlsbad, California
The Legal Genealogist
2019 alphabet soup: O is for… David Fred Cottrell, 1928-2019 Into the ring
The Gentle Author
At Aldgate Pump Charles Spurgeon’s Street Traders Nineteenth Century East End Darlings
The Motor Mechanics Of Bow My Facade Safaris Ted Vanner, Model Steamboat Genius
Doris Halsall, Civil Servant & Despatch Rider The Coal Holes Of Old London
Carsten Wieland (great colours) Carl Peverall Magical Thoughts — Cherry Faeries (loved this one)
Create your own secret place (and this one..)
Applegate Genealogy
A Father’s Day Reunion Like Something Out of a Movie
The Frugal Family Historian
Bite-size family history!
The Irish Story
Casualties of the Irish Civil War in County Cork John Dorney
Dreams and Adventures at Cosy Cottage
Cuckoo Way: Chesterfield Canal, Day 2
Branches On Our Haimowitz Family Tree
The Heart Of A Dear Friend
Brotmanblog: A Family Journey
Hannah Goldsmith Benedict 1900-1920: Gains, Losses, and Laws
Hannah Goldsmith Part III: Her Grandsons
Punto IT
records-access-alerts ...An interesting decision
Yes, you should be visiting Ireland for the food
A guide to Ireland’s fascinating bodhrán drum
This map shows where all the O’Neill clan live
Search for family of Irish sergeant who died in France during World War II
Irish Catholic soldiers were too drunk to fight at Battle of the Boyne
Irish Midsommar star to release short on Irish famine
What happened to the Irish girl in this 1927 National Geographic photo?
Would you eat Irish moss seaweed pie at the Potato Museum in Canada?
This Irish group's Tiny Desk Concert will amaze you
Italian doctor finds cure for Parkinson's disease in Irish dancing
Tragedy at Irish orphanage the focus of new research in Co Limerick
WATCH: Irish granny dancing to Despacito is the best thing on the Internet
Irish artist creates 1,845 hand-blown glass potatoes in dedication to famine
The history behind Ireland’s ancient Druids
How to have an Irish summer without leaving the States
“Wishing Tree” at the Hill of Tara toppled from weight of tokens tied to its branches
Did you know Kerrygold was almost named Leprechaun?
Ireland's very best pubs revealed
Castle Roche is most certainly one of Ireland's historic hidden gems
Normans return to Ireland with new state-of-the-art Longford heritage park
Ireland has been named the Best European Destination for Groups
Remarkable Irish priest who gathered extensive early film footage of American life
Irish tourist in Australia wasn't aware octopus on his arm could kill 26 people
The most hated people in Irish history
London Irish gather for funeral of Co Kerry man with no known relatives
On This Day: Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan "accidentally" flies to Dublin instead of California
Michael J. Fox Foundation will fund promising Parkinson’s research at Galway University
O’Brien’s Tower at the Cliffs of Moher reopens following restoration works
These Irish people are making the London food scene absolutely delicious
View from Ireland 50 years ago when America landed on the moon
Churchill wanted Irish bombed from the air, refused Michael Collins' plea
Sweet Summer, let these Irish desserts take you to heaven!
ScrapHappy Day, July 2019 Deep in the Heart of Textiles
Home Is A Web of Connections Janet
Unexpected side-effect – DNA Downunder #DNADU Susie Zada
Pastlinks: 1835 - Alfred Haughton's Eventful Year
Say where you live | In Search of Men and Women with Initiative - Solving Family Puzzles
Theresa Smith
Behind the Pen – A Few of my Favourites with Kate Forsyth
Announcement! Upcoming Buddy Read: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
The Week That Was…
Book Review: After the End by Clare Mackintosh
Book Review: The Blue Rose by Kate Forsyth
Book Review: Rogue by A.J. Betts
Dymocks Booklover
The Chain Adian McKinty Find Out More
One Good Deed David Baldacci Find out More
The Woman in the Window A. J. Finn Find Out More
Better Reading
Book of the Week: Devil's Lair by Sarah Barrie
Nailed It! by Mel Campbell & Anthony Morris
The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter
Buddhism for Meat Eaters by Josephine Moon
Australian Crime Story event: Crime Writing Legends in Conversation
Podcast: Ava Benny-Morrison discusses the shocking crime against two females that inspired her book
Podcast: Armando Lucas Correa is infinitely interesting!
and from my blogs...
That Moment in Time
Friday Fossicking 12th July, 2019, Listen-look-learn with FREE videos, podcasts, book reviews, Scottish research, Morgan bushranger, FREE presentations State & National libraries, slave trade, Pennsylvania records, confederate soldiers diaries, ancient palace in Iraqi reservoir, one lane tunnels, moon maps, deciphering old family photos, psychedelic rock gecko, human remains still on Titanic?, Easter Rising fires, WWII’s real Private Ryan legacy, dog/dolphin friendship, facades of Spitalfields, more Irish graves, art is good for your brain, and far more than I can list here..
Feel free to share…
Irish Graves
Priests' Lawn, Woronora Memorial Park, Sutherland, NSW
also Catholic Monumental
With thanks to Geraldine Rae
With thanks to Noelene Harris
With thanks to Gail Christopher
With thanks to Jody Zammit
With thanks to Brett Andrew Woods
VICTORIA, Australia
With thanks to Catherine Murnane
With thanks to Jodie Willis
With thanks to Maria Kleeven
With thanks to Rika Cable
With thanks to Mike Stanley
Headlines of Old
Immigration 1879... Trove Tuesday 16th July, 2019, passenger lists, including families, single men, single females; links to articles re immigration and passenger lists, "Holmsdale", last convicts,
‘Mutiny Ship’ Park Panoramas Cufflink of Resistance 250 years old Wonders of Europe
Campus Curiosities Hólavallagarður Iceland Cemetery Paris’s ‘Urban Forests’
Rainbow Falls Hawaii Spelling Alphabets Sunken Boats Underwater Observation Tower
Tiny Snail Hero Torn Painting Doggie Diner Head Anarchists, Marble, and Lard Tuscany
Light-Up Cane great story Motte de la Jacquille burial mound, France
Family Search
Merging People in FamilySearch’s Family Tree Incorrect Merges on FamilySearch Family Tree
Family History and a Full Tree. What Now?
Editing Names on Indexed Records—FamilySearch Update
Finnish Culture and Your Finnish Heritage
What Was Life Like for My Ancestors?—Brad Westwood at RootsTech 2019
Find My Past
United States Passenger Lists Huddersfield Baptisms Huddersfield baptisms parish list
Middlesex Baptisms Yorkshire Memorial Inscriptions
Newspapers: Huddersfield Daily Examiner Harefield Gazette Field Tablet Search all newspapers
Discover your Czech roots 20 Unmissable Resources for Tracing British and Irish Ancestors watch
Explore more US passenger lists Explore Naturalization Petitions
Anglo-Celtic Connections
Beechwood Cemetery CWGC: John Taylor (1877 - 1919) Sunday Sundries
Canadians in The Journal of One-Name Studies A makeover for BIFHSGO's unique databases
Short Deadline: LAC seeks NCR nominees for Youth Advisory Council
Beechwood CWGC Burial: James Dyer 548 Volumes of U.S. Navy Muster Rolls now digitized
Summertime Reading for the Family Historian What do these people have in common?
Prof (Retired) Bruce Elliott Top Ten Genealogy Websites Ontario Civil Registration
Outback Family History
The Victoria Hotel – Coolgardie Family History Discovery Days: The Worker –
Matthew Jackson – pioneer profile The Railway Picnic – Bulla Bulling
Should the Moon Landing Site Be a National Historic Landmark?
The Downfall of the American Cowboy How Language and Climate Connect
Anthropologists Hid African Same-Sex Relationships
Will You Ever Fly in a Plane Propelled by Plants and Seeds?
The Intimacy of Crime Scene Photos in Belle Epoque Paris
Brisbane Writer's Festival September 2019
The National Library Australia FREE Peter Greste "Press Freedom in Australia and Why It Is in Crisis" 15 August
The National Archives UK
incl. On the blog: Anne Lister's records at The National Archives BBC series Gentleman Jack
State and society: cultures of communication Thursdays in July and August | Free
I Love Bello Shire incl. Featured Events and What's On
Always Interesting
#OTD in Irish History – 15 July: Stair na hÉireann
Genealogy News Bytes - 12 July 2019 Best of the Genea-Blogs - 7 to 13 July 2019
Added and Updated Record Collections at FamilySearch.org - Week of 7 to 13 July 2019
Monday Genea-Pourri - 15 July 2019 Genealogy News Bytes - 16 July 2019
FREE "Family Tree Adventure" Event on 3 August Features Kenyatta Berry in Carlsbad, California
The Legal Genealogist
2019 alphabet soup: O is for… David Fred Cottrell, 1928-2019 Into the ring
The Gentle Author
At Aldgate Pump Charles Spurgeon’s Street Traders Nineteenth Century East End Darlings
The Motor Mechanics Of Bow My Facade Safaris Ted Vanner, Model Steamboat Genius
Doris Halsall, Civil Servant & Despatch Rider The Coal Holes Of Old London
Carsten Wieland (great colours) Carl Peverall Magical Thoughts — Cherry Faeries (loved this one)
Create your own secret place (and this one..)
Applegate Genealogy
A Father’s Day Reunion Like Something Out of a Movie
The Frugal Family Historian
Bite-size family history!
The Irish Story
Casualties of the Irish Civil War in County Cork John Dorney
Dreams and Adventures at Cosy Cottage
Cuckoo Way: Chesterfield Canal, Day 2
Branches On Our Haimowitz Family Tree
The Heart Of A Dear Friend
Brotmanblog: A Family Journey
Hannah Goldsmith Benedict 1900-1920: Gains, Losses, and Laws
Hannah Goldsmith Part III: Her Grandsons
Punto IT
records-access-alerts ...An interesting decision
A child born in the Spring of 2019 was not registered, which is required under the Birth and Death Registration Act of 1953 whose purpose is to create a public record relating to all births and deaths in England and Wales. It requires that every birth of every child born in England and Wales to be registered by the registrar of births and deaths. The law also stipulates who are qualified to give the birth information, which includes both mothers and fathers as well as any person having charge of the child. The father is opposed to registration, the mother is not prepared to register the child but is not opposed to someone else registering on her behalf.
The social services department has the responsibility for the baby's welfare and it is that organization which asked the high court to intervene once the man and his partner (which are not identified for legal reasons) failed to register the birth. The father and his partner are being assessed for parenting skills, before the child's long-term future are made. The father's behavior before a family court judge resulted in a prison sentence for him and his partner.
The judge ruled it was in the best interest for the child to be have his birth registered in order for him to be recognized as a citizen and entitled to benefits of citizenship.
The father's "unique" belief is that when a child is registered it "becomes an asset to the country" and therefore his son will become controlled by a State which he perceives to be authoritarian and capricious. The father regarded registering a birth as the equivalent of making an entry on to a ship’s manifest.
To read the decision go to: https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Fam/2019/1572.pdf
To read an article on this unusual case about birth certificates see:
Delaware HB 114 was amended from extending embargo periods for birth, marriage and death records to increasing the embargo period for marriage records only- and then only for ten years. Under the new law, marriage records are now embargoed for 50 years. Additionally, the law requires an analysis of any further embargo enlargements as well as the granting of limited disclosure. The bill was signed by the governor on June 26th. The more palatable bill is due to the work of the genealogical community and Senator Stephanie Hansen who is her family genealogist. When the bill was passed out of its original house of origin, the House, it had embargo periods for birth records from 72 years to 80 years for date of birth and from 40 years to 50 years for death and marriage.
Senator Hansen is facilitating a meeting of interested parties, including the genealogical community, the county clerks of the peace and the office of vital records to discuss the issue of what information should be able, when, how, and by whom.
To read the new law see: http://legis.delaware.gov/BillDetail?legislationId=47308 and click on final/engrossed bill text or see attached.
Yes, you should be visiting Ireland for the food
A guide to Ireland’s fascinating bodhrán drum
This map shows where all the O’Neill clan live
Search for family of Irish sergeant who died in France during World War II
Irish Catholic soldiers were too drunk to fight at Battle of the Boyne
Irish Midsommar star to release short on Irish famine
What happened to the Irish girl in this 1927 National Geographic photo?
Would you eat Irish moss seaweed pie at the Potato Museum in Canada?
This Irish group's Tiny Desk Concert will amaze you
Italian doctor finds cure for Parkinson's disease in Irish dancing
Tragedy at Irish orphanage the focus of new research in Co Limerick
WATCH: Irish granny dancing to Despacito is the best thing on the Internet
Irish artist creates 1,845 hand-blown glass potatoes in dedication to famine
The history behind Ireland’s ancient Druids
How to have an Irish summer without leaving the States
“Wishing Tree” at the Hill of Tara toppled from weight of tokens tied to its branches
Did you know Kerrygold was almost named Leprechaun?
Ireland's very best pubs revealed
Castle Roche is most certainly one of Ireland's historic hidden gems
Normans return to Ireland with new state-of-the-art Longford heritage park
Ireland has been named the Best European Destination for Groups
Remarkable Irish priest who gathered extensive early film footage of American life
Irish tourist in Australia wasn't aware octopus on his arm could kill 26 people
The most hated people in Irish history
London Irish gather for funeral of Co Kerry man with no known relatives
On This Day: Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan "accidentally" flies to Dublin instead of California
Michael J. Fox Foundation will fund promising Parkinson’s research at Galway University
O’Brien’s Tower at the Cliffs of Moher reopens following restoration works
These Irish people are making the London food scene absolutely delicious
View from Ireland 50 years ago when America landed on the moon
Churchill wanted Irish bombed from the air, refused Michael Collins' plea
Sweet Summer, let these Irish desserts take you to heaven!
Root Stalker Genealogy #NuttiestNuts Charles Ross Wininger
Home Is A Web of Connections Janet
Unexpected side-effect – DNA Downunder #DNADU Susie Zada
Pastlinks: 1835 - Alfred Haughton's Eventful Year
Say where you live | In Search of Men and Women with Initiative - Solving Family Puzzles
Battle of the Bellmen | The Dusty Box
Theresa Smith
Behind the Pen – A Few of my Favourites with Kate Forsyth
Announcement! Upcoming Buddy Read: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
The Week That Was…
Book Review: After the End by Clare Mackintosh
Book Review: The Blue Rose by Kate Forsyth
Book Review: Rogue by A.J. Betts
Dymocks Booklover
The Chain Adian McKinty Find Out More
One Good Deed David Baldacci Find out More
The Woman in the Window A. J. Finn Find Out More
Better Reading
Book of the Week: Devil's Lair by Sarah Barrie
Nailed It! by Mel Campbell & Anthony Morris
The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter
Buddhism for Meat Eaters by Josephine Moon
Australian Crime Story event: Crime Writing Legends in Conversation
Podcast: Ava Benny-Morrison discusses the shocking crime against two females that inspired her book
Podcast: Armando Lucas Correa is infinitely interesting!
and from my blogs...
That Moment in Time
Friday Fossicking 12th July, 2019, Listen-look-learn with FREE videos, podcasts, book reviews, Scottish research, Morgan bushranger, FREE presentations State & National libraries, slave trade, Pennsylvania records, confederate soldiers diaries, ancient palace in Iraqi reservoir, one lane tunnels, moon maps, deciphering old family photos, psychedelic rock gecko, human remains still on Titanic?, Easter Rising fires, WWII’s real Private Ryan legacy, dog/dolphin friendship, facades of Spitalfields, more Irish graves, art is good for your brain, and far more than I can list here..
Feel free to share…
Irish Graves
Priests' Lawn, Woronora Memorial Park, Sutherland, NSW
also Catholic Monumental
With thanks to Geraldine Rae
With thanks to Noelene Harris
With thanks to Gail Christopher
With thanks to Jody Zammit
With thanks to Brett Andrew Woods
VICTORIA, Australia
With thanks to Catherine Murnane
With thanks to Jodie Willis
With thanks to Maria Kleeven
With thanks to Rika Cable
With thanks to Mike Stanley
Headlines of Old
Immigration 1879... Trove Tuesday 16th July, 2019, passenger lists, including families, single men, single females; links to articles re immigration and passenger lists, "Holmsdale", last convicts,
Wow, Chris, you are a link-posting phenomenon! I love picking a few to read, and then wandering around in those blogs. This week I loved reading about the aboriginal library and the finding of the oasis in Simpson Desert. Always love Claudia's and CosyCottage too!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your comment... It's great fun for me also... and a great way to save all those I want to revisit.