Dead in Minehead, England. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
An Account of the English Colony of NSW Vol 1
Ireland may lose bond with US if diaspora dies out
The Vast Majority of Genealogy Records Still Can’t Be Found Online: Here’s How to Locate Them
This Google Trick Reveals Thousands of Free Genealogy Books on Amazon
Aussie Flag
Outback Family History
And Be Home Before Dark – a book review
The Sandalwood Puller – a verse
Healing the extended family - John Grenham
Anglo-Celtic Connections
New Book: The Debatable Land: The Lost World between Scotland and England
Guild of One-Name Studies Free Webinars
Your Irish Heritage’s Green Room – A Place to Call Home?
OGS February Webinar:
British Newspaper Archive additions for January
Secret Lives Conference: 31 August - 2 September 2018
Writing When You Aren’t Writing Amanda Linsmeler (shared by Jess Barratt)
ASIO enters ABC offices over Cabinet files security lapse
Portraits with fridges, cars and televisions: The evolution of the family photograph in Australia - ABC News
I Love Bello Shire Bellingen and district happenings
46,000 New South Wales Mugshots 1870-1930 Go Online Alona Tester
“A Brutal, Good Natured Face:” A New York Irish “Rowdy” in War and Peace Damian Shiels
Australian War Memorial eMemorial
'Flash coves, deep rogues and rascals' Dictionary of Sydney & order in Sydney in the 1840s
Visit our Australia's Favourite Author page to find out! Top 50 Australian authors Booktopia
Former Queensland Government Printing Office tells a fascinating tale - Queen's Wharf Brisbane
How we traced our family tree and unlocked the interesting secrets hidden in our histories Belfast
Mystery surrounds ancient but advanced tools found in India
LDS Church closes Park City Family History Center, other visitor's centers
Riley cousins capture their family history in movement
Ambitious project to digitise hundreds of thousands of probate records complete after nine years
Who are the O'Sullivans buried in New Zealand?
Who were the first humans to reach New Zealand?
records-access - alerts

The must-see castles of Ireland
New memorial service offers an Irish home for all eternity
Sláinte! Ireland ends ban on selling alcohol on Good Friday
Discover the beauty and history of Ireland's Boyne Valley
The Irish flag was flown for the first time 170 years ago in Waterford
Neil Sheehan, the Irish American journalist who changed the Vietnam war
The seven wonders of beautiful West Cork
Beautiful drone footage of Ireland will leave you enthralled
Daughter of Irish immigrants survived the Titanic, Britannic, and Olympic disasters
Roots of St. Brigid and how to make her iconic cross
Storm waves move 620-ton bolder on the Aran Islands
Many Irish actually emigrated in order to fight in US Civil War
Historic film of old Ireland from 1934
If St. Brigid and St. Patrick had an argument
"Distressed and upset" woman (73) refused citizenship after living in Ireland for 70 years
Dublin to get "Riverdance" academy as Irish dance phenomenon turns 25
The changing identity of Irish and Irishness in a global context
Tom Brady connection to Irish Famine ancestors from Boston
Everything you need to know about St. Brigid ahead of St. Brigid's Day 2018
Ellen DeGeneres invites Irish girl (12) on her show after seeing her busking
Remembering The Dubliners' Luke Kelly with his most loved songs
Reasons potatoes are a true superfood
LISTEN: When the potato blight hit and terror ensued during Ireland's Famine
How is St. Brigid connected with the great Celtic goddess?
Death of an Irish schoolgirl in childbirth at a grotto 34 years ago today
treats for today...
Quick, easy, and versatile Irish porter cake recipe
Mother’s sweet white scones recipe
The absolutely perfect recipe for Irish coffee
To celebrate 100 years of votes for women we've made our civil birth, marriage and death records and all of our census records completely FREE until 8 February.
Plus, we've just released a brand new collection of Suffragette records and they're also FREE.
Find out more:
Texas, Laredo Arrival Manifests 1903-1955 Image Browse
Idaho, Southeast Counties Obituaries 1864-2007 Image Browse
British Armed Forces and Overseas Births and Baptisms
British Armed Forces and Overseas Banns and Marriages
British Armed Forces and Overseas Deaths and Burials
British Armed Forces and Overseas Browse
Hertfordshire Baptisms
Hertfordshire Banns and Marriages
Hertfordshire Burials
Hertfordshire Parish Record Browse
Yorkshire Memorial Inscriptions
Northumberland and Durham Memorial Inscriptions
British Newspapers
Discover women in records
“God Has Called Your Husband…”: An Analysis of Death Notification Letters from the American Civil War Damian Shiels
Digging Up Roots – My Family History Journey Samantha Starr
Australian Roots and Spreading Branches
On a flesh and bone foundation': An Irish History: Into the land of Maria Edgeworth: 'Edgeworthstown', County
my family hunt Carmel Reynen
Diary of an Australian Genealogist: Samuel Plimsoll (ship), new archive releases, free webinars & other news - Genealogy Notes 21-28 Jan 2018 Shauna Hicks
AncestorChasing: 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 5: In the Census
Hester Brown and the Art of Living Well on Nothing (#52Ancestors Week 4 – Invite to Dinner) Larzus
Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Welsh Lovespoons Claudia
The Endeavourers TextileRanger
52 Ancestors in 52 weeks | The Family of Bleggy Heather Denholm
Queensland Railways, the Eggs, the Prime Minister and Warwick by Greg Hallam by RHSQ Audio
Talking of Tarlee - Beach Picnic photos Library Currants
family tapestry Isabel
The Bride genielynau
Before and After ‘The Post’ The Silver Voice
An Account of the English Colony of NSW Vol 1
Ireland may lose bond with US if diaspora dies out
The Vast Majority of Genealogy Records Still Can’t Be Found Online: Here’s How to Locate Them
This Google Trick Reveals Thousands of Free Genealogy Books on Amazon
Aussie Flag
Outback Family History
And Be Home Before Dark – a book review
The Sandalwood Puller – a verse
Healing the extended family - John Grenham
Anglo-Celtic Connections
New Book: The Debatable Land: The Lost World between Scotland and England
Guild of One-Name Studies Free Webinars
Your Irish Heritage’s Green Room – A Place to Call Home?
OGS February Webinar:
British Newspaper Archive additions for January
Secret Lives Conference: 31 August - 2 September 2018
Writing When You Aren’t Writing Amanda Linsmeler (shared by Jess Barratt)
ASIO enters ABC offices over Cabinet files security lapse
Portraits with fridges, cars and televisions: The evolution of the family photograph in Australia - ABC News
I Love Bello Shire Bellingen and district happenings
46,000 New South Wales Mugshots 1870-1930 Go Online Alona Tester
“A Brutal, Good Natured Face:” A New York Irish “Rowdy” in War and Peace Damian Shiels
Australian War Memorial eMemorial
'Flash coves, deep rogues and rascals' Dictionary of Sydney & order in Sydney in the 1840s
Visit our Australia's Favourite Author page to find out! Top 50 Australian authors Booktopia
Former Queensland Government Printing Office tells a fascinating tale - Queen's Wharf Brisbane
How we traced our family tree and unlocked the interesting secrets hidden in our histories Belfast
Mystery surrounds ancient but advanced tools found in India
LDS Church closes Park City Family History Center, other visitor's centers
Riley cousins capture their family history in movement
Ambitious project to digitise hundreds of thousands of probate records complete after nine years
Who are the O'Sullivans buried in New Zealand?
Who were the first humans to reach New Zealand?
records-access - alerts

The French Genealogy Blog recently reported on limitations to access of French vital records. These embargos have been in effect since 2008.
· Birth registration / acte de naissance - 75 years
· Marriage registration / acte de mariage - 75 years
· Death registration / acte de décès - no restriction
· Ten-year indices to the above three / tables décennales - no restriction
· Census returns / recensements - 75 years
· Notarial records / actes notariés - 75 years
· Judicial records / archives judiciaires - 75 years
· Personnel records / dossier de personnel - 50 years
· Medical records / secret médical - 25 years after the death of the individual or 120 years after his or her birth
However, they make the point that "public access to the record does not mean that the information may be published." The blog cited a recent court case where a historian had researched over 6,000 families. In his research he gathered thousands of vital records and published them in a book. Some of the people who were subjects of the records are still alive. On one of the birth records, a marginal note commented that the child had been adopted. That person is still alive and he and his son sued the author for revealing the about the adoption, without permission, stating it was a privacy violation. They also criticized the author for defending his contention that an adoptive filiations is worthless in the face of filiation by blood. The book is about French nobility.
The plaintiffs argued that the law of July 2008 which reduced the vital records embargo period from 100 years to75 years (see above) does not allow the use of civil registration data without the prior consent of the persons concerned. The court ruled in the plaintiff's favor. The Paris Court of Appeal ruled in April 2016 that the fact that the information has already been published, even with the agreement of the concerned person, "does not affect the existence of this invasion of privacy." The author and writer then appealed to the Court of Cassation, the highest appellate court which interprets law only, and does not reexamine the facts of the case. That court also found for the plaintiff, stating "the establishment of parentage fall within private life and enjoy protections under the Civil Code."
To read the article about the court case see:
Original url:
The article on the court case is in French and is best opened in the Chrome browser for
Translation or go to a translation site such as google translate
To read the French Blog see:
The must-see castles of Ireland
New memorial service offers an Irish home for all eternity
Sláinte! Ireland ends ban on selling alcohol on Good Friday
Discover the beauty and history of Ireland's Boyne Valley
The Irish flag was flown for the first time 170 years ago in Waterford
Neil Sheehan, the Irish American journalist who changed the Vietnam war
The seven wonders of beautiful West Cork
Beautiful drone footage of Ireland will leave you enthralled
Daughter of Irish immigrants survived the Titanic, Britannic, and Olympic disasters
Roots of St. Brigid and how to make her iconic cross
Storm waves move 620-ton bolder on the Aran Islands
Many Irish actually emigrated in order to fight in US Civil War
Historic film of old Ireland from 1934
If St. Brigid and St. Patrick had an argument
"Distressed and upset" woman (73) refused citizenship after living in Ireland for 70 years
Dublin to get "Riverdance" academy as Irish dance phenomenon turns 25
The changing identity of Irish and Irishness in a global context
Tom Brady connection to Irish Famine ancestors from Boston
Everything you need to know about St. Brigid ahead of St. Brigid's Day 2018
Ellen DeGeneres invites Irish girl (12) on her show after seeing her busking
Remembering The Dubliners' Luke Kelly with his most loved songs
Reasons potatoes are a true superfood
LISTEN: When the potato blight hit and terror ensued during Ireland's Famine
How is St. Brigid connected with the great Celtic goddess?
Death of an Irish schoolgirl in childbirth at a grotto 34 years ago today
treats for today...
Quick, easy, and versatile Irish porter cake recipe
Mother’s sweet white scones recipe
The absolutely perfect recipe for Irish coffee
To celebrate 100 years of votes for women we've made our civil birth, marriage and death records and all of our census records completely FREE until 8 February.
Plus, we've just released a brand new collection of Suffragette records and they're also FREE.
Find out more: https://
Texas, Laredo Arrival Manifests 1903-1955 Image Browse
Idaho, Southeast Counties Obituaries 1864-2007 Image Browse
British Armed Forces and Overseas Births and Baptisms
British Armed Forces and Overseas Banns and Marriages
British Armed Forces and Overseas Deaths and Burials
Hertfordshire Baptisms
Hertfordshire Banns and Marriages
Hertfordshire Burials
Hertfordshire Parish Record Browse
Yorkshire Memorial Inscriptions
Northumberland and Durham Memorial Inscriptions
British Newspapers
“God Has Called Your Husband…”: An Analysis of Death Notification Letters from the American Civil War Damian Shiels
Digging Up Roots – My Family History Journey Samantha Starr
Australian Roots and Spreading Branches
On a flesh and bone foundation': An Irish History: Into the land of Maria Edgeworth: 'Edgeworthstown', County
my family hunt Carmel Reynen
Diary of an Australian Genealogist: Samuel Plimsoll (ship), new archive releases, free webinars & other news - Genealogy Notes 21-28 Jan 2018 Shauna Hicks
AncestorChasing: 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 5: In the Census
Hester Brown and the Art of Living Well on Nothing (#52Ancestors Week 4 – Invite to Dinner) Larzus
Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Welsh Lovespoons Claudia
The Endeavourers TextileRanger
52 Ancestors in 52 weeks | The Family of Bleggy Heather Denholm
Queensland Railways, the Eggs, the Prime Minister and Warwick by Greg Hallam by RHSQ Audio
Talking of Tarlee - Beach Picnic photos Library Currants
family tapestry Isabel
The Bride genielynau
Before and After ‘The Post’ The Silver Voice
and from my blogs...
That Moment in Time
Extra Bumper Edition .. don’t make a cold drink.. or cuppa… make a flask…
Aust.Day 2018, Scotland's People BDMs, new releases Irish newspapers, books reborn, bushranger Joe, Windsor Bridge debacle, Aus. Cemetery Inscriptions -Family Search, First Fleeters Devonshire St. cemetery, all your favourites and lots of Aussie links, First Fleet facts (thanks to Lonetester), convict dances, rare glimpse into pre war Aust., finding naturalisation details, Double murder suicide, Irish love stories that changed history, great list of Interesting blogs, Jersey BDMs and so much more.
Please share..
Australia Day Honours List 2018, full list of Order of Australia, plus links to others,
Feel free to share.. and there’s no paywall..
Headlines of Old
The first British ships in Australia. after Capt. Cook post 1776, Trove Tuesday 30 Jan. 2018, lists of supplies, Governors Phillip, Gidley King, Hunter; convict mutiny, American traders, meeting La Perouse, ships of the fleet, Irish convicts, British, stowaways, Sirius, Supply, Boddington, Sugar Cane, Britannia, William and Ann, Daedalus, Francis, Halcyon, and many more ships.. shipwrecks, snow ships..
Irish Graves
Bundaberg.. thanks to Tracie Nanna Reagan
Kalgoorlie, WA thanks to Moya Sharp
Old Cavalry Cemetery, Boston, USA thanks to Elaine Meuse
Te Aroha, North Island, New Zealand… thanks to Stuart Park
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