Dead in Minehead, England. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Being Irish on St. Patrick’s Day - why we love it
14-year-old Irish dancer Cara Loughran among victims of Florida school shooting
Explore the many treasures of Ireland's National Gallery
Ireland launches massive 2040 project to plan for the future
The 2018 IrishCentral Creativity & Arts Awards (PHOTOS)
Daniel O’Connell's final tragic plea to save Ireland from Famine
Fun facts about St. Patrick's Day - One month away!
Marking the Immaculate Conception - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Ireland
Photographer explores haunting 1700s abandoned Irish farmhouse
The five best and five worst things about living in Dublin
Best-selling Irish author reveals she is dying
Finbar Furey - Always The Heart
The 8,000-year history of Irish cuisine
The story of St. Patrick's life from kidnapping to Irish Catholicism
“Black 47,” first major film about famine-era Ireland, getting rave early reviews
Which US president was the first ever to visit Ireland?
Which county in Ireland has the most pubs?
Souvenir Irishman bought for $75 turns out to be $37k Ice Age treasure
The man who documented the Great Hunger - born 204 years ago today
My dad's homecoming to Ireland after 34 years in America
New book "My Name is Bridget" tells tragic story of Tuam Home mother and her missing sons
are these treats for you?
The perfect way to start a day - a full Irish breakfast
Atlas Obscura
Remembering New York's Bagel Famines Lost Plane?
'Leprosy Coins' Waldorf Astoria Archives
Forgotten Temple Toxic Hues Skylab’s Remains
Golden Temple
Rocky Garden Wistaria Vine Unexpected Tomb
IrishGenealogyNews: More free online material from Clare Library's Local Studies Centre Claire Santry
Genealogy and Family History Irish
SS Great Britain : Brunel's ss Great Britain
A man has bought an entire graveyard to stop anyone building on top of his ancestors - Wales Online
Google image search change
Irish Manuscripts Commission Digital Edition
A restoration effort worthy of pioneers | Port Lincoln Times
Diary of an Australian Genealogist: Geneafiction, Freebies, Cornwall & Local Talks - Genealogy Notes 29 Jan - 18 Feb 2018
Augusta Genealogical Society: Learn how to research your Irish genealogy
Venice Blues, Venice, Italy Wunderlusttwins
#OTD in 1964 – Death of novelist Maurice Walsh, author of the original story of The Quiet Man, in Blackrock, Co Dublin. Stair na hÉireann
A new post Techno-utopia or techno-dystopia? - John Grenham
New tours give lease of life to Fremantle Prison Perth Now
Controlling History: Commemorating the First Dáil, 1929-1969. The Irish Story
Workers at Apple's glass HQ are in a world of pane
I Love Bello Shire Season of Food: Local produce, Chef recipes, best tasting food
Gould Digital special deal on Genie Cards
Edinburgh's Festivals Edinburgh Castle
BritRail London Plus Pass
Recent Clare Roots Society functions/meetings
'Mugshots 1920s-style' Dictionary of Sydney
Genealogy Gems: Research tools expanded at Family History Center The Preston Citizen
Medieval Street, Rhodes, Greece Wunderlusttwins
Why are these 1860s houses buried on Lonsdale St? - Saturday Breakfast - ABC Radio
Outback Family History
Double Tragedy at Kalgoorlie – grave tales
Gold and Liquid Gold – book review
The Lonely Ghost – a verse Off to the Boer War:-
Andrew (Andy) Campbell – people profile
Anglo-Celtic Connection
New Irish Genealogical Research Society Videos
FreeBMD February Update
CEF Service Files Update for February 2018
City of Victoria Archives Online Search
Free access to records
The National Archives, UK
> Explore our Royal Navy and Merchant Navy research guides
> Royal Marines’ service records 1842-1925*
> Royal Navy ratings’ service records 1853-1928*
> Explore podcasts and videos now**
Reformation on the Record: Suzannah Lipscomb on Henry VIII and the break with Rome
Big Ideas Series: In Their Own Write: Welfare, Discipline and Pauper Agency in the Nineteenth Century
Latest blogs .. Bridging the digital gap Beyond 2022: Ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury
Remembering Partition: official records and community voices
Find My Past
Connecticut, Town of Sharon Cemetery Indexes
Norfolk, Electoral Registers 1832-1915 Image Browse
Aberdeenshire, Banffshire & Kincardineshire Monumental Inscriptions
Yorkshire Baptisms
Yorkshire Banns
Yorkshire Marriages
Yorkshire Burials
Yorkshire Parish Registers and Bishop's Transcripts Browse
Nottinghamshire Burial Index
Tracing elusive female ancestors
Exploring the electoral register

This is being reported on IAJGS Records Access Alert as privacy is a growing issue worldwide and Facebook is a social network operation that many genealogists use to assist in their family history research.
Snakes alive! Susie Zada
Into the Census - Another Story Bluestone Genealogy Louise Gray
Genealogically Speaking. Caitlin Gow
Family Tree Frog: Sepia Saturday 406 - Those Carrett girls Alex Daw
Waiting Liv Hambrett
Diary of an Australian Genealogist Geneafiction, Freebies, Cornwall & Local Talks - Genealogy Notes 29 Jan - 18 Feb 2018 Shauna Hicks
Eastern Beach, Geelong Backtracking
family tapestry #52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. Week 7: 'Valentine' flissie
Family Connections: #52Ancestors - Week 7 - Valentine Vicki Court
What happened to Rose? Clogs and Clippers Stella Budrikis
Talking of Tarlee - Sheaf tossing Library Currants
Trove Tuesday: In which Fred Smith builds a private bowling green Backtracking
Editorial: Identity Theft; Are You A Witness To It? Eltham District Historical Society Inc
AncestorChasing: 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 8: Heirloom Kerryn Taylor
Harry Lawson elected Victorian Premier March 1918 | Anne's Family History
Fanny Rawlinson – Favourite Name – #52ancestors week 6 larzus
Random items in Emily’s Album genielynau
and from my blogs...
Being Irish on St. Patrick’s Day - why we love it
14-year-old Irish dancer Cara Loughran among victims of Florida school shooting
Explore the many treasures of Ireland's National Gallery
Ireland launches massive 2040 project to plan for the future
The 2018 IrishCentral Creativity & Arts Awards (PHOTOS)
Daniel O’Connell's final tragic plea to save Ireland from Famine
Fun facts about St. Patrick's Day - One month away!
Marking the Immaculate Conception - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Ireland
Photographer explores haunting 1700s abandoned Irish farmhouse
The five best and five worst things about living in Dublin
Best-selling Irish author reveals she is dying
Finbar Furey - Always The Heart
The 8,000-year history of Irish cuisine
The story of St. Patrick's life from kidnapping to Irish Catholicism
“Black 47,” first major film about famine-era Ireland, getting rave early reviews
Which US president was the first ever to visit Ireland?
Which county in Ireland has the most pubs?
Souvenir Irishman bought for $75 turns out to be $37k Ice Age treasure
The man who documented the Great Hunger - born 204 years ago today
My dad's homecoming to Ireland after 34 years in America
New book "My Name is Bridget" tells tragic story of Tuam Home mother and her missing sons
are these treats for you?
The perfect way to start a day - a full Irish breakfast
Atlas Obscura
Remembering New York's Bagel Famines Lost Plane?
'Leprosy Coins' Waldorf Astoria Archives
Forgotten Temple Toxic Hues Skylab’s Remains
Golden Temple
Rocky Garden Wistaria Vine Unexpected Tomb
IrishGenealogyNews: More free online material from Clare Library's Local Studies Centre Claire Santry
Genealogy and Family History Irish
SS Great Britain : Brunel's ss Great Britain
A man has bought an entire graveyard to stop anyone building on top of his ancestors - Wales Online
Google image search change
Irish Manuscripts Commission Digital Edition
A restoration effort worthy of pioneers | Port Lincoln Times
Diary of an Australian Genealogist: Geneafiction, Freebies, Cornwall & Local Talks - Genealogy Notes 29 Jan - 18 Feb 2018
Augusta Genealogical Society: Learn how to research your Irish genealogy
Venice Blues, Venice, Italy Wunderlusttwins
#OTD in 1964 – Death of novelist Maurice Walsh, author of the original story of The Quiet Man, in Blackrock, Co Dublin. Stair na hÉireann
A new post Techno-utopia or techno-dystopia? - John Grenham
New tours give lease of life to Fremantle Prison Perth Now
Controlling History: Commemorating the First Dáil, 1929-1969. The Irish Story
Workers at Apple's glass HQ are in a world of pane
I Love Bello Shire Season of Food: Local produce, Chef recipes, best tasting food
Gould Digital special deal on Genie Cards
Edinburgh's Festivals Edinburgh Castle
BritRail London Plus Pass
Recent Clare Roots Society functions/meetings
'Mugshots 1920s-style' Dictionary of Sydney
Genealogy Gems: Research tools expanded at Family History Center The Preston Citizen
Medieval Street, Rhodes, Greece Wunderlusttwins
Why are these 1860s houses buried on Lonsdale St? - Saturday Breakfast - ABC Radio
Outback Family History
Double Tragedy at Kalgoorlie – grave tales
Gold and Liquid Gold – book review
The Lonely Ghost – a verse Off to the Boer War:-
Andrew (Andy) Campbell – people profile
Anglo-Celtic Connection
New Irish Genealogical Research Society Videos
FreeBMD February Update
CEF Service Files Update for February 2018
City of Victoria Archives Online Search
Free access to records
The National Archives, UK
> Explore our Royal Navy and Merchant Navy research guides
> Royal Marines’ service records 1842-1925*
> Royal Navy ratings’ service records 1853-1928*
> Explore podcasts and videos now**
Reformation on the Record: Suzannah Lipscomb on Henry VIII and the break with Rome
Big Ideas Series: In Their Own Write: Welfare, Discipline and Pauper Agency in the Nineteenth Century
Latest blogs .. Bridging the digital gap Beyond 2022: Ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury
Remembering Partition: official records and community voices
Find My Past
Connecticut, Town of Sharon Cemetery Indexes
Norfolk, Electoral Registers 1832-1915 Image Browse
Aberdeenshire, Banffshire & Kincardineshire Monumental Inscriptions
Yorkshire Baptisms
Yorkshire Banns
Yorkshire Marriages
Yorkshire Burials
Yorkshire Parish Registers and Bishop's Transcripts Browse
Nottinghamshire Burial Index
Tracing elusive female ancestors
Exploring the electoral register

The US Census Bureau has proposed criteria for four areas of the 2020 census. Comments are due on or before May 16, 2018.
Block Groups -- are statistical geographic subdivisions of a census tract defined for the tabulation and presentation of data from the decennial census and selected other statistical programs. Block groups form the geographic framework within which census blocks are numbered. There are no proposed changes to the existing block group criteria from the 2010 Census
Census County Divisions (CCDs) and Equivalent Entities for the 2020 Census
Census county divisions (CCDs) and equivalent entities are statistical geographic entities established cooperatively by the Census Bureau and officials of state and local governments in 21 states where minor civil divisions (MCDs) either do not exist or have been unsatisfactory for reporting census data. The primary goal of the CCD program is to establish and maintain a set of subcounty units that have stable boundaries and recognizable names.
Census Designated Places (CDPs) for the 2020 Census
Census designated places (CDPs)are statistical geographic entities representing closely settled, unincorporated communities that are locally recognized and identified by name. A CDP constitutes a single, closely settled center of population that is named.
Census Tracts for the 2020 Census
Census tracts are relatively permanent small- area geographic divisions of a county or statistically equivalent entity defined for the tabulation and presentation of data from the decennial census and selected other statistical programs. The primary goal of the census tract is to provide a set of nationally
consistent small, statistical geographic units, with stable boundaries, that facilitate analysis of data across time. A census tract should contain 1,200 people or 480 housing units at minimum, and 8,000 people or 3,200 housing units at maximum. Census tracts must not cross county or state boundaries. This criterion takes precedence over all other criteria or requirements. Exceptions are recognized for American Indian reservations (AIRs) and off-reservation trust lands (ORTLs).
Send comments to:; or
Vincent Osier, Geographic Standards,
Criteria, and Quality Branch, Geography
Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Room
4H173, 4600 Silver Hill Road,
Washington, DC 20233–7400

The IAJGS Records Access Alert reported in January 2017 about a case before the Dublin Circuit Court which found in favor of an individual who petitioned to have his name removed from a Google link. The case was brought by politician Mark Savage, which challenged both Google, Ireland and the Data Protection Commissioner’s decision that his privacy was not breached by Google’s refusal to remove a link. Mr. Savage wanted Google, Ireland to remove a link to a Reddit post which describes him as homophobic. Reddit is defined on their website as a social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. The case was appealed to Ireland's High Court which found for the Data Commissioner and Google on February 16, 2018 overturning the Dublin Circuit Court previous ruling. This is the first "right to be forgotten" case concerning internet postings in Ireland.
The High Court said the " Circuit Court had not identified any serious error of law or fact in how the commissioner decided to reject Mark Savage’s complaint concerning Google’s refusal to re-index postings about him on the Reddit news website." Additionally, the High Court said " the Circuit Court had not applied the required legal test and had not identified any serious error of fact or law in how the commissioner approached her decision-making and did not give that decision “appropriate curial deference”. Google does not carry out editing functions in respect of its activities and to mandate it to place quotation marks around a URL heading would oblige it to engage in an editing process not envisaged by the Google Spain decision". This reinstated the Irish Data Protection Commissioner's ruling. The case involved interpretation of the Data Protection Acts and legal decisions including the 2014 Google Spain case by the Court of Justice of the European Union which established the "right to be forgotten".
Google had argued that the Circuit Court ruling meant search engines would have to review billions of searches daily to decide if quotation marks must, as the Dublin District Court required, be placed around posts considered to be “opinion” rather than fact.
The Irish High Court is comprised of its president, 35 judges and additional judges being ex officio the Chief Justice, the President of the Court of Appeal, the President of the Circuit Court, and former chief justices and courts presidents who remain judges. Cases are normally heard by one judge as was in this case. To read more about this see:
Original url:
The Case
Mr. Savage handed out leaflets during a 2014 campaign that used terminology about gays that was picked up by Reddit and the thread then described him as "homophobic". By searching his name on Google the Reddit thread would appear. Mr. Savage appealed to Google to delink the thread so when his name was searched the Reddit thread would no longer appear. Google declined. Mr. Savage then took the matter to the Data Protection Commissioner who found that Google did not violate the Data Protection Acts of 1988 and 2003. The regulation concerning the "right to be forgotten" becomes effective when the new Data Protection Regulation goes into effect on May 25, 2018. The right to be forgotten is not included in the earlier Data Protection Regulations. The Data Commissioner's position was that the comments expressed an opinion and not a fact in a context of a political election. Her legal counsel stated on her behalf that the public interest and freedom of expression vastly outweighed the right to privacy. Google's legal representative said they were not concerned with matters of opinion and should not be expected to investigate them. Since Mr. Savage decided to run for public office, his comments were then open for public comment. (
Mr. Savage appealed the Data Commissioner's ruling to the Circuit Court which over turned the Data Commissioner's ruling, stating "the fundamental rights and legitimate interest of the Appellant had been prejudiced." The judge's view was that "individual Internet users could consult sites such as Reddit for verified facts given the way search engines operate." This case was then appealed to Ireland's High Court.
The IAJGS Records Access Alert previously reported that the Belgium Data Protection Commission has required Facebook to cease using "datr" cookies which Facebook places on people's browsers when they visit or click a Facebook "like" button or other websites allowing it to track the online activities of that browser. The tracking is for both Facebook users and visitors to the site. The "datr" cookie has been used for years. Facebook appealed the 2015 Belgian Court decision which found for the Data Privacy Commission.
On February 16 the appeals court ordered Facebook to stop tracking internet users in Belgium who have no accounts with Facebook or face a daily fine of 250,000 Euros. The maximum fine would be 100 million Euros or $125 million USD if it does not head the ruling. Facebook was also ordered to destroy all personal data obtained "illegally". Facebook was also ordered to publish the 84-page verdict on its own website and excerpts in Belgium's Dutch language and French language newspapers. The court said Facebook used its cookies to track people not only on its own website but also on third-party websites. Facebook said it intends to appeal the verdict. It said "People, also have the right not to have data collected on sites and apps off Facebook being used for ads." Further, Facebook said, "Over recent years we have worked hard to help people understand how we use cookies to keep Facebook secure and show them relevant content,"
Read more at:
Read more at:
This is being reported on IAJGS Records Access Alert as privacy is a growing issue worldwide and Facebook is a social network operation that many genealogists use to assist in their family history research.
To access the IAJGS Records Access Alerts archives for past postings on Facebook, Europe and the data cookies go to: . You must be a registered subscriber to access the archives. To register go to: and follow the instructions to enter your email address, full name and which genealogical organization or newsletter/blog to whom you subscribe. You will receive an email response that you have to reply to or the subscription will not be finalized.
Snakes alive! Susie Zada
Into the Census - Another Story Bluestone Genealogy Louise Gray
Genealogically Speaking. Caitlin Gow
Family Tree Frog: Sepia Saturday 406 - Those Carrett girls Alex Daw
Waiting Liv Hambrett
Diary of an Australian Genealogist Geneafiction, Freebies, Cornwall & Local Talks - Genealogy Notes 29 Jan - 18 Feb 2018 Shauna Hicks
Eastern Beach, Geelong Backtracking
family tapestry #52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. Week 7: 'Valentine' flissie
Family Connections: #52Ancestors - Week 7 - Valentine Vicki Court
What happened to Rose? Clogs and Clippers Stella Budrikis
Talking of Tarlee - Sheaf tossing Library Currants
Trove Tuesday: In which Fred Smith builds a private bowling green Backtracking
Editorial: Identity Theft; Are You A Witness To It? Eltham District Historical Society Inc
AncestorChasing: 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 8: Heirloom Kerryn Taylor
Harry Lawson elected Victorian Premier March 1918 | Anne's Family History
Fanny Rawlinson – Favourite Name – #52ancestors week 6 larzus
Random items in Emily’s Album genielynau
and from my blogs...
That Moment in Time
Roots Tech FREE, Saving family heirlooms, Mass Paths, Richard Sidey-Wanaka, lovers hanged, C of I records CLARE, craic-banter-bread, Magdalene laundries, Devonshire St Cemetery, Qld Floods 1893, FREE records Britain & Ireland from Find My Past, Suffragette Collection Update, update on Rootsweb mailing lists, Squatters chair-what is it?, map of Noble Estate Clayfield QLD, Aust. Remembrance Trail where 295,000 Aussies served, Nazi looted art displayed-hope to find owners, falling frogs, 1500 unmarked graves identified, Librarians do have a sense of humour,
lost story of Galway’s orphans, a stab at truth,
Irish Graves
Camperdown Cemetery, NSW… thanks to Noelene Harris
Kurrajong, NSW.. Catholic .. thanks to Noelene Harris
Kurrajong C of E thanks to Noelene Harris
See Biographies
Copperfield Cemetery, near Clermont, Qld thanks to Lori White
See Biographies
Headlines of Old
Convict Marriages - Trove Tuesday 20th Feb. 2018, Female Factory, convicts permission to marry, list of marriages-prisoners, TROVE newspapers +books +pictures -photos -objects, The Colonial Secretary's Papers 1788-1856 NSW,
As They Were
New Additions to IGP.... Ireland Genealogy Projects Feb 2018, Cavan, Dublin, Fermanagh, Mayo, Monaghan & Fermanagh, Sligo, Tipperary, Wexford,
CONTRIBUTIONS Thanks to Paul O’Brien, Katrina Vincent, Anne Comber.. and many others…. many Irish counties and names mentioned in these press clippings.
MISSING FRIENDS.. newspaper notices searching for lost friends and family. Some even give last address and descriptions.