Friday, May 1, 2015



Walter Withers

* Thanks to Ireland Family History....

Almost 9,000 Catholic Baptismal Records added to Ulster Historical Foundation

* Thanks to Genealogy's Star (Richard Tanner) for this very interesting blog onThe Library of Congress.. and for the guide to using it... If, like me, you have looked there before and given up, I think you'll find this is a great help.

* COPYRIGHT.. can be a very frustrating thing to work around/with.

 I'm sure you respect other's work as you want them to respect yours.

 I won't go into all the various restrictions here, you can check those for yourself, as it differs in various countries. Just look for advice now and then, as it can alter a little. What you may not realise is that there are a number of sites that allow you to use Images free of copyright, but you should always give credit where credit is due... and check the usage right of each image  e.g.   These are but a few useful sites...


Wikimedia Commons

The Old Design Shop


NB.. Shopify has a list of sites, not all of which I have tried.. be careful and read the full terms. Some allow so many free images per week, some are outright free to use.

* Plus, just in case you have had your eyes shut for the last few days... 

📢  NATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRELAND will be releasing over 40,000 images of Catholic Parish registers on July 8th...I don't think I will even try to look on that date...  ðŸ“¢


  1. Hasn't it been a great week for Irish researchers, Chris? To keep us going until 8 July, the Dublin Electoral Registers are free online to 1964 and Findmypast has released the Workhouse admission / discharge records. Happy Days!

    1. It sure has been, Dara, long may it last...I mention the FMP additions on the most recent post as an Update.. it didn't come through to me till early this am. Many will be glad to see the Dublin Electoral Registers Online...Thank you...

  2. Thanks Chris...lots to follow up. I like your Friday Fossicking theme.

    1. Thanks, Pauleen.. It also acts as a reminder to me as to just how much is being released. How times are changing.


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