Tuesday, August 31, 2021

NFHM POST 2021 Issue 6 We Can't, We Might, We Will..SOON!


We Can't, We Might, We Will……SOON !

Who would have guessed that our world would change so much…It seems like eons ago that we heard of a possible threat to our daily lives.. 

There was a virus released/escaped from a country far away.. deadly, but not near us. Little did we know that we would all very soon be well aware of COVID 19... Our daily reality became a nightmare, as we heard of the spread of the virus  in Europe, the UK , USA.. everywhere… and before we could absorb all that, it was here, on our very own doorstep. We’re so used to the great medical care that we take for granted, that we  perhaps thought it would all disappear.. not so. 

Lockdowns, restrictions, masks.. vaccines.. please at least two, maybe a booster later.  Sign in, QR Codes, maybe gloves ..especially at petrol stations…sanitisers everywhere.

Wash your hands, again and again…no gathering, no shopping for other than essentials. Sorry, you can’t visit Mum and Dad, nor the grandchildren , nor friends ..  Loneliness overtakes some, others are content to slow down.. at least for awhile. 

We put off regular appointments, wary of mixing with others.  No visitors, no family catchups..deliveries outside the door. We miss so many milestones, weddings and even funerals have limited attendance..

We get daily updates of the number of those who have contracted the virus..and sadly, the number of those who have succumbed. Our leaders sometimes gloat, sometimes send out dire warnings.. it seems they have their turn at both. 

There are “deny..ers”, those who believe in some strange non acceptance of the risk they take, or cause..by defying lockdowns, holding protests with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of others.. Do they not feel the pain of those who have lost loved ones? 

Have they never sat beside a crying child when they have just been told that their Mummy, Daddy or grandparent has left them?   Have they not comforted a newly wed who has had to farewell their partner after they caught the virus while nursing someone else’s loved one?

So much sadness, but also so much hope.. as new vaccines become available, more people are vaccinated. We will learn to live beside this virus, if not with it.  Surely, we will also have learnt that every life matters, that we can work together and that the human spirit and the determination to make the most of whatever our situation is, is far stronger than the despair that some try to coat our days with. So many lessons learnt, so many more to come. We perhaps eat more at home, all the family together..

Some are busier than ever, others have enjoyed ‘smelling the roses’.. and one thing I have noticed is that most are kind to each other. We say Hello, check on neighbours, family and friends.. offer to do some shopping for those who can’t do their own. It only takes a few moments to reach out. 

It will pass, as the trials of other diseases and disasters have.  We will  get through this as we support and help each other . We open our hearts and extend our hands.. sanitised of course!

© Crissouli Aug 2021

Monday, August 30, 2021

NFHM POST 2021 Issue 5 Rounding Up the Family


Rounding Up the Family

It really seemed so simple

When I was just a wee girl

Just ask a lot of questions

And then their secrets would unfurl.

I always had a notebook

And a pencil, nice and sharp

If I didn’t get good answers

I tended to scowl and harp.

My father didn’t understand

Why it was so important to me

To find out all the details

Of those I’d never see. 

Mum was far more tolerant 

Of her little nosey daughter

She’d longed to find more family

Though her Dad didn’t think  she “oughta” !

I had lots of lovely notebooks

Thanks to an Aunt who understood

How much I loved all stationery

And use them all, I would.

Later, compiling family history 

Became a daily task

Am I finished yet? You’re kidding

You know better than to ask!

© Crissouli 30 Aug 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021



Edwin Stockqueler (1829-1900) - Public DomaiAn Australian Gold Diggings, oil on canvas


NATIONAL FAMILY HISTORY MONTH... AUGUST 2021 - BLOGGING CHALLENGE  List of all participating.. some great stories..

National Library Australia newsletter incl. Discover your family history     Use eResources   Our videos are all free and available to view online anytime via nla.gov.au or our YouTube channel

John Grenham .. Say hello to cousin Boris

National Archives UK  newsletter incl. New to What's Online? 
Every month we add new events to our What's Online programme and give our email subscribers priority access to book as many of them as they like. We welcome curious people from all over the world to join us and our wonderful speakers. We offer all registered attendees 48 hours of replay in case they miss the talk or are living in a different time zone...  eg. Top Level Tips: Wills & other Probate Records before 1858

Wanderlust Twins

Outback Family History

Find My Past


Atlas Obscura

Anglo-Celtic Connections

Recovering the lost collections of the Public Record Office of Ireland’




The Legal Genealogist 

Treasure Chest of Memories

The Gentle Author

Humoring the Goddess

The Frugal Family Historian

Brotmanblog : A Family Journey


The Irish Story

Historical Ratbag

Eltham District Historical Society

Stair na hÉireann | History of Ireland

Dreams and Adventures at Cosy Cottage


The Frugal Family Historian



How’s Your Summer/Winter Going?    Humoring the Goddess

Theresa Smith

Better Reading

Penguin Books

Blooming Beautiful Books

This bunch of bright novels is the perfect way to celebrate the start of spring. Find a sunny spot and curl up with a glorious read.

and from my blogs..

That Moment in Time

FRIDAY FOSSICKING 20th Aug 2021, records online..check the links, Irish children transported as convicts, Royal family links to Kerry, British Army records, Belfast cemetery & virtual tours, the luck of the Irish, NATIONAL FAMILY HISTORY MONTH... AUGUST 2021 - BLOGGING CHALLENGE, book reviews, unclaimed letters, abandoned Atlantic City sites, and a whole lot more…

Feel free to share, the title is the link…


Headlines of Old

PERSONALS  Trove Tuesday 24th Aug 2021, notices from a number of states. Were your ancestors mentioned, or perhaps you’ll learn something about the area they lived in… 

Feel free to share, the title is the link…


Keep safe and well.
This will pass.

Friday, August 20, 2021

NFHM POST 2021 Issue 4 - Some Say He Wore A Turban



Some say he wore a turban

But no one knows for sure

There seems to be no pictures

Not even for 1854!

For that’s the year of marriage 

For John Goopy and his wife

An Irish lass called Catherine

To share with him, his life.

John was from Calcutta 

Born about 1831

Two daughters were born to them

Before they had a son.

Three more girls and three boys more

In the family they had made

The last of them was Sarah

A quite becoming maid.

John worked in several jobs

But then he disappeared

Was he injured in an accident

As perhaps his wife had feared?

We’ll never know for certain

From his family he had left

Leaving nothing more but questions

And a wife who was bereft.

© Crissouli 20 Aug 2021


with daughter ...possibly Sarah. c 1872

Image above courtesy of Pixabay



Edwin Stockqueler (1829-1900) - Public DomaiAn Australian Gold Diggings, oil on canvas


* Australian War Memorial temporarily closed, online available
 Newsletter with full details includes Visit Museum at Home

Carlow tailor who emigrated to Argentina left lasting legacy The Nationalist

Royal Family: The Queen, Prince William and Kate Middleton's 'family tree' that links them to Kerry ...      MyLondon

Unknown no more: 80 years after Pearl Harbor, remains of Dexter-area sailor return home NNY360

The National Archives UK newsletter incl. Blog: exploring South Asian heritage through public information films

Film: Insaaf - live discussion     Archive Jigsaw: Insaaf   What's On: online talks and activities for all

Orange City Council  e-news 

Tourism figures show Orange is in a good position to bounce back  post-COVID

 Heritage approval for tree removal

 Library fines waived in bid to increase library accessibility

Wanderlust Twins

Lisbon, Portugal Miguel Pessanha       Abandoned Castle, Germany

Furano, Hokkaido Rainy Day, Somerset, England

Matka Canyon, one of the most popular outdoor destinations in Macedonia

Details inside of The Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sunset at Casapueblo in Punta Ballena, Uruguay     Utah

Outback Family History

Ripping Yarns & Tragic Tales – 15 Aug 2021 

Lasseter Looks for a “Missing Friend”

Tragedy at Lakeside – grave tales

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Doctor –

Anglo Celtic Connections

 Entering Australia: The Life of a 19th Century Criminal

 Find My Past


A Small Town in Ohio Is Home to the World's Only Cardboard Boat Museum

'The Green Knight' Adopts a Medieval Approach to 'Modern' Problems

At the Pageant of the Masters, Famous Works of Art Come to Life

Eat Like an Armenian With These Tips From a Local Guide

New Maryland Museum Dives Into the Mythology of Mermaids

Ancient Olympics' Birthplace Saved as Fires Rage Across Southern Europe

Italian Museum Uses Cameras to Track How Visitors Engage With Art

What an Englishwoman's Letters Reveal About Life in Britain During the American Revolution

Why King Khufu's Solar Boat Is on the Move After 4,600 Years

Archaeologists Discover 2,550-Year-Old Carving of the Last King of Babylon 

2,400-Year-Old Baskets Still Filled With Fruit Found in Submerged Egyptian City

Overlooked Section of Hadrian's Wall Discovered Beneath Busy Newcastle Street

New Analysis Reveals More Details About Smithsonian Founder's Illegitimate Family Tree

Researchers Find Physical Evidence of Earthquake Described in Old Testament

Mysterious Iron Age Burial May Hold Remains of Elite Nonbinary Person

Atlas Obscura

Life Under Ice    Apple Scoops      The World’s Oldest Living Things

Abandoned Atlantic City Sites  Leśniewo U-Boat Locks

Small Goat Stars   Pegasus Wreck    'The Lost XVII'  Scotland

Nature’s Battle Scars   Veg-Inspired Medical Implants    

The Asahi Flame  Vigeland Mausoleum    The World Discoverer

Weird Photographic Journeys   Book Thief Germany

New York's Oldest Phone Number     Jelly Belly

The White Squirrel of Prospect Park  The Lucifer of Liège Belgium

The Vulnerability of Masonic Temples   Unclaimed Baggage Center

Getty Images On Ice    Site of the Pine Tree Riot  A Burr Mystery

Minnesota’s ‘Root Beer Lady’     Salt Cave Rivalry     

Haliç Metro Bridge  Instanbul   World's Largest Beaver Dam

Just Room Enough Island  Into the (Obscure) Woods   

Craig-E-Clair Castle   Maine’s Viking Penny  You’ve Got Mail

Carting Lane Sewer Lamp      Pompeii Thermopolium ?

Orfield Labs Quiet Chamber     How Old Is This Giant?

NYC’s Subway Origins   Meet Your Local Cryptid  

Secret Chamber in the Rock of Gibraltar


How Walter Rubusana Paved the Way for Nelson Mandela

How Blind Activists Fought for Blind Workers    Picturing Scent

You'll Never Believe Who Invented Curbside Recycling

Policing the Bodies of Women Athletes Is Nothing New


Tracking Down the Family

Grandma’s Disease – Author Unknown   Corporal James McEwan

The Legal Genealogist

Credit doesn’t cut it   NARA invites comments


Memory     Surfer Girl     It Could Always Be Worse

When Is Wrong Wrong?     Big World, Small World

Humoring the Goddess

Repost — Hidden Paradise — The Ink Owl   Craft and Rock and Roll

Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Wawiriya Burton

And So It Starts Again   Women and the Taliban

Art Can Be Found Anywhere

The Frugal Family Historian

Frugal Family History Discovery: National Library of Wales


Over One Million Pages of Historical British Newspapers Free to Explore Online

Added and Updated Ancestry.com Record Collections - Week of 7 to 13 August 2021

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Three (Or More) Things About a Great-Grandparent

Best of the Genea-Blogs - Week of 8 to 14 August 2021

Genealogy Pot-Pourri - Week Ending 16 August 2021

Genealogy News and Education Bytes -- Tuesday, 17 August 2021

One More Common Ancestor for an FTDNA Match Found!

The Gentle Author

So Long, Norman Riley    Old Dame Trot & Her Comical Cat

Music Hall Artistes Of Abney Park Cemetery

Pubs Of Wonderful London   Roy Wild, Hop Picker

Stair na hÉireann

Lady Well Killyon Ceremonies | Boyne Valley, Co Meath

Dreams and Adventures at Cosy Cottage

Our World: The Other Environmental Crisis

Social Bridge

Silent Sunday  Motherly Monday   Tactile Tuesday Wild Wednesday

Textile Ranger

Archive Mystery Solved!!   I Spy…Tiny Ones

Eltham District Historical Society

Did You Know? Sweet Bursaria, Stokes Orchard, RAAF and World war 2

Brotmanblog : A Family Journey

Introducing the Blumenfelds 1

The Irish Story

Book Review: The Enigma of Arthur Griffith: ‘Father of us all’


UNICEF "blown away" as people in Ireland donate more than 1 million vaccines

First official peek at Florence Pugh filming “The Wonder” in Ireland

How Irish Famine immigrants changed life in Philadelphia

Pagan idol, 100 years pre-St. Patrick, discovered in Roscommon

In Ireland, the fishing is almost as good as the pubs

Visiting Ardmore, in Waterford, is about more than dramatic scenery

Remembering the Irish NYPD patrolman who wrote one of Ireland's most loved ballads

Viral Irish dance star lands coveted role with Riverdance tour

Become your family's storyteller, Seanchaí, by starting your genealogy hunt 

The gallant Lt. Dominic McCarthy, son of Irish immigrants

Irish myths and legends at Ballycastle, County Antrim

Ireland takes fairies more seriously than you might think

The Irish Olympian, forced to compete for Britain, who smuggled in an Irish flag

Irish woman speaks of "panic and fear" in Kabul as she nears escape

Ireland’s most haunted mansion in Wexford sold! Who’s the brave new owner?

Belfast cemetery offering virtual tours to people around the world

Fungie is that you? Pod of fifty dolphins spotted off West Cork coast 

Celebs you didn't know were part-Irish after Mariah Carey releases drink named after heritage

Irish woman in Afghanistan heading up UN food program pledges not to flee

Northern Ireland leaders vow to “offer sanctuary” to Afghan refugees

"The luck of the Irish" explained - How Ireland came to symbolize good fortune


There has been a plethora of Interesting Blogs this week... many of them have been added to the National Family History Month list.. do take a wander over and check them out. 


If you like them, please let the authors know in Comments and by all means Subscribe to their blogs so you don't miss any of them. All writers are inspired by their readers.

By the way, you can join in the Challenge, whether you are a regular blogger or a "just now and then" blogger... all are welcome and you can submit one blog or several...last chance will be the end of August.


Theresa Smith

Book Review: Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy

Book Review: Whereabouts by Jhumpa Lahiri

Better Reading

Book of the Week: The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell  READ MORE

People Like Them by Samira Sedira    READ MORE

Meet Me in Bendigo by Eva Scott READ MORE

The Golden Book by Kate Ryan READ MORE

Podcast: Kate Thwaites on Toxic Culture in Australian Parliament    LISTEN HERE

Podcast: Pamela Hart on Cosy Mysteries and Home Renovations   LISTEN HERE

Podcast: Nicola West on Setting a Crime Novel in Her Hometown   LISTEN HERE

Allen & Unwin

A Life in Words   Les Carlyon

Prison Break    Mark Dapin

and from my blogs...


FRIDAY FOSSICKING 13 Aug 2021,Full Probate packet online, National Family History Month challenge, assisted Irish migrants, Old Mother Hubbard with a twist, war of Independence in Co Clare,

World’s largest cheese slicer (couldn’t resist this), parish registers, Iowa Irish Fest, using census to trace deaf ancestors, archive jigsaw-Big Ben, recycling precious metals from the dead, book reviews, additions to Irish Graves and a whole lot more…

Feel free to share… the title is the link…



UNCLAIMED LETTERS  Trove Tuesday, 17th Aug 2021, published in Government Gazette, notices give names as addressed on envelopes, but only part of an address.. just the place that letter was sent to.  Still interesting, but as always, these would have been destroyed many years ago, without any hope of reading them. They still may give us an idea of where our ancestors may have travelled to. I have included a couple of possible connections, but have no way of knowing if they are the same person listed in the notice.

Feel free to share… the title is the link.


Keep safe and well.
This will pass.