Friday, August 16, 2024


GSQ Blog      Connecting to a Forgotten Past Christine Leonard
Outback Family History

 National Library of Australia
 Click here for details   incl. Hopes & Fears - A new free exhibition

Interesting Library

Atlas Obscura
An Alchemist Turned Counterfeiter   A Cafe In a Bank  Cranberry Glades Botanical Area  Luftskipsmasta Norway Can We Save Florida’s Ailing Manatees?  Wondrous Independent Bookstores Where to Find Ancient Greek Food In Athens Bitter Sports Rivalries, But For National Foods  8 Eggcellent Places  Can Trees Hold Their Breath?   Scotland’s Oldest Tartan Dinosaur Journey Museum   Where 16 Men’s Hair Buns Are Buried  A Mysterious Moving Stone Ball  Why Is This Pylon Upside Down? Take a Load Off In These Natural Hot Springs  How a Courthouse Turned Into the Inquisitor’s Palace  Why Was Regency London Obsessed With “Pig-Faced” Ladies? How Salmon Helps Bugs 11 Puppet Palaces The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript  Explore the Wilds of New Zealand John Henry Monument  Hernando's Pizza Pub A Dragon Once Crashed Into This Rock (Allegedly)  The Aquarium Located Inside an Old Nuclear Bunker Where Visitors Can Dive Into the World of Caterpillars  Nevada’s Newest State Park Is All About Megafauna Fossils  Viking Hell Is Very, Very Metal  When Fandom and Food Collide Record-Setting Hikes  The Sounds of Pando How to Explore West Virginia’s Underground Wonders   The Oldest Civic Library In Italy  One Of The World's First Animatronic Dinosaurs A Poignant Memorial For a Diminutive Canine Hero  Behold, an Impressive Dragon Made of Cutlery!   Where You Can Step Into The Past Of An Andalusian Town The Army of ‘Stork Sisters’  The Ancient Art of Roasting Agave R. Lee Ermey Musical Road The Holy Grail of Texas Nature and Recreation  10 Delightful Pie Places to Dig Into The Museum Celebrating Modern Skiing  Wild Brazil: Rivers, Dunes, and the Amazon A Brief History of the ‘Danse Macabre’  Mini Statue of Liberty  Mignery Sculpture Garden  The Pacific Northwest Needs to Thank Lampreys Cookbooks Celebrating Indian American Ingenuity Tokyo Metropolitan Medicinal Botanical Garden Ute Ethnobotany Garden at the Ute Indian Museum  Who’s Beheading These Millipedes?  Garden of the Sleeping Giant  The Birding Basics to Find Winged Friends  Tía Sandalia House Museum   

genealogy Ireland

J Stor Daily


More re Drayton, Qld, desecration of cemetery... Tombstones flattened in cemetery desecration - Western Advocate  

Interesting Blogs
Textile Ranger  Puppy Cuteness 
The Legal Genealogist  NARA NYC closing

Theresa Smith Writes

Penguin Books Australia
Love Unleashed Melanie Saward  READ A SNIPPET
Dive! Mike Carlton     CHECK IT OUT 
The Grandest Game    Jennifer Lynn Barnes              
The Lost Coast Clay Edison      HAVE A LOOK

and from my blog...

That Moment in Time

FRIDAY FOSSICKING 9th August 2024, Webster's Dictionary 1828, A Fossil Mystery, moonshine, love letter generator, scrabble grave, helpful vultures, book reviews.. Interesting blogs, who took the cocaine out of Coca-Cola?, world’s largest collection of locks, Miguel Scrabble Grave.. and so much more…

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