Friday, May 27, 2022


Panning by S.T. Gill


GSQ Blog.  Family links to land Stephanie Ryan
Last week's blog.. My Great Grandfather Alfred Robyn Dean

Queensland State Archives ....
Memory Lounge reopens...The lounge provides a comfortable and welcoming space inspired by mid-century interiors selected to create a dementia-friendly environment. Visitors are welcome to relax and browse through photo albums of images from the Archives, evoking memories of the State’s history. The Memory Lounge is a free and public space .... Reading Room, 435 Compton Road, Runcorn
Dead Farm Files this series contains records relating to leases where the leaseholder is paying off the purchase price and a freehold title (Deed of Grant) is issued when fully paid. Tenure types include agricultural farm leases, grazing homestead leases and perpetual lease selections.   Book your spot in the Reading Room

Queensland Unclaimed Letters Index 1860-1874 here

John Grenham  "DNA Family Secrets" - "I had myself a bawl"- 

The National Archives UK newsletter incl. Platinum Jubilee Gallery

Find My Past

Did you know we have a remarkable 1.6 billion free records available? Perhaps you’re yearning to start tracing your own heritage, but don’t know where to begin? Maybe social history has your heart beyond anything else? With Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee approaching, enter our prize draw, search free collections, and give your family history journey a kickstart. What are you waiting for?   Explore what awaits

Outback Family History

Atlas Obscura

Irish Central


Family history across the seas

“Merry” Month of May Meme: the New Normal

Carmel's Corner
Stair na hÉireann | History of Ireland
Humoring the Goddess
Anne's Family History
Tales from the Grave
Brotmanblog: A Family Journey
Diary of an Australian Genealogist
Sunday Evening Art Gallery
The Irish Story
Pauline Conolly
The Gentle Author
Historical Ragbag



Theresa Smith

Better Reading

Allen & Unwin

Heartland Jennifer Pinkerton

Queen Menopause Alison Daddo

Scrubbed   Dr. Nikki Stamp

Rattled       Ellis Gunn

Managing Expectations Minnie Driver

Outback Teacher Sally Gare

Penguin Books 

Here Goes Nothing    Steve Toltz     READ THE Q&A

His Name Is George Floyd    George Floyd

Bittersweet  Susan Cain   TAKE A LOOK

*Just announced: 2022 Australian Book Industry Awards shortlist -

Atlas of the Heart      Brené Brown

The Good Left Undone   Sarah Pearse

Talking About a Revolution  Yassmin Abdel-Magied  READ A CHAPTER

Audiobooks were first invented in 1932. They were originally recorded on vinyl records, with each side only holding 15 minutes of recordings.

and from my blogs...

That Moment in Time

FRIDAY FOSSICKING 13th May 2022, Qld State Library 120 years, 60 years of Ireland, world's loneliest post office, Counties Cavan, Donegal & Fermanagh, protective poison, forged sculptures, Can you merge Africa and Europe?, Italian streets that don’t exist, Forestiere Underground Gardens, Photo Colorizers, great blogs and reviews…

Headlines of Old

INTESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS... Trove Tuesday 17th May 2022

some from most states..

Feel free to share…

Headlines of Old

Trove Tuesday, INTESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS. (repeat from last week as many would have missed that, plus new additions and a link to an earlier post on same subject)

Feel free to share, the title is the link.

Keep safe and well.
This will past.

Friday, May 20, 2022


Panning by S.T. Gill

FRIDAY FOSSICKING will be taking an unexpected break this week. I hope it will return next week as usual. 
In the meantime, feel free to use the search bar at the bottom of the page to look for your subjects of interest... or visit any of the rest of my blogs listed in the side column.
Thanks for your ongoing support.

Friday, May 13, 2022


Panning by S.T. Gill


Brisbane Writers Festival is on!  and lots more, see newsletter.

GSQ blog ‘Have you wondered?   Pauleen Cass

Earl Grey’s Irish Famine orphans(84): an orphan’s impact on her descendant | trevo's Irish famine orphans

Tinteán Magazine

Atlas Obscura

Outback Family History




Pauline Conolly


Dreams and Adventures at Cosy Cottage

Stair na hÉireann | History of Ireland

Family History Across the Seas


Tales from the Grave

The Legal Genealogist


Theresa Smith

Better Reading

and from my blogs...

That Moment in Time

FRIDAY FOSSICKING 6th May 2022, interesting newsletters & blogs , Meet Eva Frank, Puritan Fashion Rules, repair old parchment, indigenous gravesites, creepy fake town, Podcast : Ireland and Ukraine, The Joy of Eating Insects (?), Swamp Pop Museum, Humming led her to the world stage, Murder in the Dark, 

and a whole lot more..

Feel free to share, the title is the link…

Headlines of Old

UNCLAIMED LETTERS...Trove Tuesday 10th May 2022, not available to claim, perhaps a clue as to where ancestors lived, examples as to sites that might help trace some of those mentioned.. Feel free to share, the title is the link…

Keep safe and well. 
This will pass.

Friday, May 6, 2022



Panning by S.T. Gill


GSQ Blog The Way Things Used to Be Pauline Williams

The ScriBbler newsletter Stella Budrikis.. always interesting

Cairns Family History newsletter incl. "Shadows from the Past"

Cairns War Cemetery see blog. and a whole lot more...

Australian War Memorial newsletter  incl. International Nurses Day

DESPATCH newsletter of Public Record Office Victoria incl.

Victorian Archives Centre     Look history in the eye now!

Up Close: Conversations with Modern Veterans Podcast

John Grenham Online estate maps

American woman visiting Co Tyrone appealing for information about family history - Belfast Live


A few more from the A-Z  Blog Challenge...

#AtoZChallenge: W – Wedding of Jessie MacGregor Jennifer Jones

#AtoZChallenge X: AleXander McQueen Jennifer Jones

#AtoZChallenge: Y – Yarrawonga – Death of John Lloyd Taylor Jennifer Jones

#AtoZChallenge: Z: Alexina (Zena) Jessie Scott and John MacGregor Jennifer Jones

Youthful Yesterdays  cassmob

Zanzibar doorways and chilling cassmob

Z is for Zizenhausen Anne Young

2022 A to Z reflections   Anne Young

Congratulations to all involved in the A-Z Challenge... this is only a small selection. It is well worth reading the great posts submitted by many participants. 

Subscribing to blogs ensures you will see every issue. 

You will find the simple way to subscribe to each of my blogs in the side column..You can also see links to my other blogs, as well as some others. Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Outback Family History

Murder in the Dark – a crime of passion?

 George Mountjoy – twice lost

Men in a Mining Camp   The Ghost of Red Flag Well


Meet Eva Frank: The First Jewish Female Messiah    

Lacebark as a Symbol of Resilience

How an Unrealized Art Show Created an Archive of Black Women's Art

1930s Filipinos Were Hip to American Style. There Was Backlash.

Atlas Obscura

Puffer Fish Helmets of Kiribati     Ancient Grape Storage Method    

Puritan Fashion Rules  Thain Family Forest New York

Geteilte Kirche am Kreuzbichl (Divided Church) Austria

Devil-Dictated Letters (Allegedly)    The Last Tenement

How Do You Repair Old Parchment?    Lake or Sea?

Can You Cook In a Volcano?   Liverpool Castle  Insano Body Slide

Saving Hyderabad’s Stunning Geology.   Chinese Tea and Art

Cemetery Island   A Centuries-Old Fish Ladder   Lunar Crater

The Mojave Desert Mailbox The Joy of Eating Insects

Tracking Down Lost Indigenous Gravesites  8 Lonely Lighthouses

From Church to Skate Park The Pigs Living at the End of the World

Prince of Buda and Princess of Pest Statue Pie Town New Mexico

Geteilte Kirche am Kreuzbichl (Divided Church)

Is Grapefruit Really That Weird?    Nerdiest Restaurants and Bars

Controversial Yellow Duck      Fashion Island Wind Chimes

Have You Been to Scarfolk creepiest fake town  Swamp Pop Museum

Alaska’s Great Sitkin Volcano   The Real Women Behind Masterpieces

The Hawks Nest New York  Kitchen Computers    Benin Bronzes

America’s First Cookie-Cutter Suburb  Matmata Underground Houses

Teddy’s Juke Joint



Genealogy News and Education Bytes -- Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Brotmanblog: A Family Journey

In Honor of Yom HaShoah and Yom HaAtzmaut: Hermann Blumenfeld and His Family

The Irish Story

Podcast: Ireland and Ukraine with Nadia Dobrianska

Anne Young

The unfortunate death of Goodman Hughes

Pauline Conolly


Humoring the Goddess

Fence Murals

Diary of an Australian Genealogist

Awards, ethic inheritance & other news: My Genealogy Weeks 13 - 30 April 2022


The Snake Named Sid

History Geek

History Geek’s 10th Anniversary

Stair na hÉireann | History of Ireland

#OTD in Irish History | 2 May:

Tales from the Grave

 Humming led her to the world stage

 The Legal Genealogist

 Judging the records


Check out IrishCentral's brand new Explore Ireland page! 

Book your tickets: Celtic Illusion brings their Irish dance and magic stage show to Boston

County Carlow - Facts and stats - IrishCentral 


Theresa Smith

A Month of Reading: April  

Book Review: Trespasses by Louise Kennedy

Book Review: The German Wife by Kelly Rimmer

Better Reading

Book of the Week:Dancing with the Enemy by Diane Armstrong

The Improbable Life of Ricky Bird by Diane Connell

The Truth About Faking It by Cassie Hamer

The Natural History of Love by Caroline Petit

Unknown: A Refugee's Story by Akuch Kuol Anyieth

Podcast: Eliza Hull on Breaking the Stigma Around Disability

and from my blogs...

That Moment in Time

FRIDAY FOSSICKING 29th April, 2022, Brisbane floods & lost headstone, history of sign language, of the future?, funeral hunting, great blogs, Irish diaspora invited, reviews..and so much more..

Feel free to share, the title is the link…

Headlines of Old

TEACHERS TRANSFERRED ISSUE 3 Trove Tuesday 3rd May 2022, various states, some links to extra reading. What was your favourite school? Any stories and/or photos happily received. 

Feel free to share, the title is the link…

As They Were

IRELAND GENEALOGY PROJECTS additions - April 2022, Cork, Dublin, Limerick, Longford, Monaghan.. HEADSTONES.. search for ancestors … Many thanks to Christina Hunt and all the volunteers who work so hard to bring all this for us, entirely free!

Feel free to share, the title is the link…

Keep safe and well.
This will pass.