Panning by S.T. Gill |
GSQ have not one, but two great blogs for us this week..
Monday 10 January 2022 Going local can turn up interesting information by Pauline Williams & Bobbie Edes
Monday 17 January 2022 Accentuate the Positive – 2021 (Jan 2022) by Bobbie Edes
* Queensland State Archives Reading Room reopening Feb 7th.
Bookings will still be required via Eventbrite. You can also use ArchivesSearch catalogue to pre-book records before your visit.
NOTE.. new album : Outback Roadtrip Over 680 images from the 1990s captured what Queensland looked like 30 years ago.
* Billion Graves 10 of the World’s Most Beautiful Cemeteries
* New edition of illustrated book capturing essence of Ireland released | The Irish Post
* The Pirate Kitty of Ferny Hills: How a thieving ginger cat brought joy to a Brisbane neighbourhood - ABC News
* Carol's Headstone Photographs A brilliant site and all free..never hurts to let Carol know that you appreciate her work.
* Genealogy Tips: Finding lesser-known places for family history research - Santa Ynez Valley Star
* Transcription Tuesday 2022 Scottish Ancestral Research
* National Archives UK The 1920s: Beyond the Roar * New edition of illustrated book capturing essence of Ireland released | The Irish Post
* When Can I Reuse This Calendar?
Outback Family History
The Prospector who dug his own grave- 50 Years With The Pan –
Mother Dead Finish: New Book Review – Shooting Through by Katrina Kittel
Atlas Obscura
The Wonder of Mumbai’s Coastal Wildlife Innis House Virginia
The World’s Worst Sandwich Fried Onion Burger
Lion Rock Mountain Arachnophobes, Look Away
The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft Killer Rice
The Prison Cell of Ludger Sylbaris Bone Worms and Gators, Oh My
A Hilarious Victorian Lie Whiskey Bottle Tombstone
What Happened to Moon Trees? Cisternerne Sci-Fi Dystopias
Bluespring Caverns Saving Pacific Newts
Recreating Ancient Recipes The Secret Lives of Kitchen Appliances
New Zealand’s Colossal Squid Grandma Ida’s Nut Rolls Gravestone
How to Care for a Corpse Flower Brauerei Hofstetten World's End
Protest Button Archive A Historic Russian Recipe
Who’s Protecting Britain’s Medieval Churches? Steens Mountain
Jug Bridge Monument Uncovering Buried Buildings
Save the Hummingbirds Places Frozen In Time Alinjagala
‘Food Grammar’ Georgia Guidestones
Tchaikovsky's Patroness The Age of the Birth Certificate
Freedom Libraries and the Fight for Library Equity
We All “Scream” for the Metatextual Ski Resorts and Climate Change
Anglo -Celtic Connections
Please note .. there will be only one blog listed from each author, as there are so many great blogs. Please do read some of the other blogs as well as the one listed.
Brotmanblog: A Family Journey
Textile Ranger
Dreams and Adventures at Cosy Cottage
Jennifer Jones
Diary of an Australian Genealogist
The Irish Story
Humoring the Goddess
Tales from the Grave
Before Bernadette
My Family Connection to a Well-Known Australian Artist.
Thumbs Down
The Legal Genealogist
Mapping the ancestors
(United Kingdom) Wiener Library and Archive-World's Oldest Holocaust Archive Still Collecting Materials
reply to...records-access-alerts@iajgs.org
The Wiener Holocaust Library in London, England, United Kingdom, is the world’s oldest Holocaust archive collecting materials since the Library’s founder gathered evidence of German antisemitism from the 1920s—before Hitler came to power. The Archive has over one million documents.
Founded as the Jewish Central Information Office in 1933, which itself grew out of an earlier bureau that Alfred Wiener had operated in 1920s Berlin, the institute was established to monitor German antisemitism. Much of the collection was gathered before and during the Holocaust.
Wiener, a trained Arabist and decorated World War I veteran, had become concerned at the antisemitic conspiracies that were swirling around post-WWI Germany and threw himself into efforts to monitor and combat Germany’s far-right underground.
He began collecting pamphlets, books, and leaflets in an effort to track German ultranationalists and opened an office under the main representative body of German Jews. By the mid-1920s, he was publicly debating German nationalists — both in print and in public debates — and in 1925 authored a critique of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.”
By the time Hitler came to power in 1933, it was not safe for Wiener to remain in Germany. He moved his operations to Amsterdam, from where his staff established a network that could provide information on Jewish life across the Third Reich.
Kristallnacht was a turning point, and eyewitness accounts poured into Wiener’s Amsterdam office from Jews across Germany and Austria. Researchers, many of whom had fled with Wiener in 1933, began collecting testimonies — 305 of which remain in the museum’s collection — that were stored and fed into urgent reports that were sent to politicians and newspapers around the world.
In 1939, Wiener moved the archive to London where he had built close ties to the British Jewish community. Throughout the war, Wiener and his colleagues forensically gathered information from Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe. They published a fortnightly digest of information picked up from trusted informants, escapees and newspapers across Europe, which began to piece together the systematic destruction of Europe’s Jewish communities.
The information gathered by Wiener and his associates before and during World War II formed part of the evidence that was submitted at postwar trials, including Nuremberg and Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem in 1961.
Increasingly, however, the library has sought to become a center for both educating about the Holocaust and warning about antisemitism, genocide and fascism.
An affiliate website, The Holocaust Explained, (https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/) received over 2 million unique views from 200 countries across the world in 2021, making it one of the most popular Holocaust education websites globally.
To read more see:
Jan Meisels Allen
Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee
The Fate of Caroline Blumenfeld Hoxter and Her Children: Final Chapter Amy Brotmanblog: A Final Chapter
Beryl Reading – A Baby on a Postcard historybylarzus
2022 – and a New Year Goal Dreams and Adventures at Cosy Cottage
Theresa Smith
Book Review: The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Maher
Book Review: Nightmare Alley by William Lindsay Gresham
Better Reading
Book of the Week: Burnt Out by Victoria Brookman
Looking After Country with Fire by Victor Steffensen, illustrated by Sandra Steffensen Kids
Podcast: Miriam Margolyes on Her Extraordinary Life Story
and from my blogs...
That Moment in Time
FRIDAY FOSSICKING 14th Jan 2022, Among the tombs, house histories, Qld State Archives, FREE Irish resources, Tinteán Magazine articles, Japan's ghost houses, great book reviews, interesting blogs, million Irish infected with COVID, help for using 1921 census, annual update to online records, pirate women, and a whole lot more..
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That Moment in Time
CEMETERY - COMMENTS & QUANDARIES additions to both Australian and International sections… Do use Reader where it is an option…far easier.
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Headlines of Old
CONVICT DAYS TROVE TUESDAY 18th Jan 2022, Ann Rumsby, convict ship Mary Ann, convict oddities, Parramatta Female Factory..
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Stay safe and well. This will pass. |