Stock photo from Pixabay
The fact that families have often scrimped and saved, some for many years, to give their loved ones a final resting place, peaceful and memorialised by a headstone that honours their life, seems to matter not one iota. There is a lot I could say, but most of it you have heard before... instead, let me share the heartbreak of one friend, who has been personally affected..
Carolyn's mother......
Her father.......
It is only after a battle and many many hours of protesting, begging, pleading, that their combined grave is safe...
Not so the following...there are too many family to be able to afford the cost of renewal... remembering that when these gravesites were
purchased, there was no thought of having to pay again...
The gravestones below are all in the removal list...
Viviette Higgins grandmother
Clyde Higgins much loved uncle 😢
Metcalf are both my grandparents and a 10 month old baby in there
Lawrence is uncle who was POW by germans for years
All going... all my family
They know not what that means...
You can read more
What can you do?
You can share this post, you can contact your political representatives, your local talkback radio, your local newspapers, you can talk to everyone you know... spread the word...ask others to protest..
There are a number of Saving Graves groups on Facebook, including this one...
Don't think that it won't happen to your state, or your local cemetery...greed and lack of respect is spreading. We need to let our voices be heard.
Is anybody listening?
Photos courtesy of Carolyn Trigwell
Other images courtesy of Pixabay.