
Friday, December 8, 2017




J. Miller MARSHALL (22 November 1858 - 12-Jun-1935)                                                                               
Dead in Minehead, England.  PUBLIC DOMAIN.


Australian War Memorial

Blogs and articles

Country and culture

How Independent Bookstores Have Thrived in Spite of

Historic story: A bridge to our past adjoins Queen’s Wharf Brisbane - Queen's Wharf Brisbane

Victorian fashion: Restrictive, uncomfortable, one fashion item killed over 3000 women

County Clare - Wikiwand

National Library of Australia  Newsletter  Great stories and possible Christmas gifts   

I Love Bello Shire  So many events happening in this festive season

Details of old cemetery sought | Bega District News

Final resting place of 19 children who died in a Mackay orphanage in late 1800s a local mystery - ABC News

Sticks and stones • The Legal Genealogist

Anglo-Celtic Connections


'Everything old is new again'  Dictionary of Sydney.. always interesting

Champaign/Urbana News-Gazette

Photographs that show a bygone India - BBC News


10 TOP TIPS »                           1939 FAQs »

Outback Family History

 * Records Access

The Mayor of Paris signed an agreement for a project for FamilySearch to digitize the microfilms of the "reconstituted" parish and civil registrations of pre-1860 Paris.  This will constitute over 10 million views from existing microfilms and original documents. Currently, it has been possible to search index cards of reconstituted registers online,  however to see the actual document one had to visit the Paris Archives looking at microfilm, which are not in the best condition.  When the project is completed the digitized  records will be available both on the FamilySearch website and the Paris Archives website, free to all to use. A timeline for completion was not announced.

To read more about this see:
Original url:

Within this article are links to the proposal and approval of the proposal. If you require them to be translated from French use a translation service such as Google translate at


The Siege of Paris occurred in 1870-1871. During the battle the  Hôtel de Ville (City Hall) and repository of records since the 16th century was torched. Other historic buildings were also torched. Between five and eight million records, dating as far back as the 16th century, were destroyed. The French reconstituted some of the lost records from other sources.  It took 25 years copying parish and religious records, reconstituting records from 1802-1960.

In 1941 another reconstruction effort began to find all information on Parisians from the Middle Ages. This was a result of using litigation and other judicial records, therefore a selection of the Paris residents, predominately affluent and nobility records and not the general public.

There were previous "revolutions" where archives were destroyed as well. To read more about the destruction of the records see:
Original url:

Thank you to Gail Dever and Genealogy à la carte for mentioning the above article in French Genealogy Blog.

Jan Meisels Allen
Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee

City directories are always genealogical treasure troves! The Victoria State Library (Australia) has digitized 50,000 pages of the classic Sands & McDougall directories which date from 1862-1974.  It comprises 24-leather bound volumes.  The directories listed every property, householder, trade and business in Melbourne and later all of Victoria State.  It gives a street by street listing of business and heads of households, and lists businesses by type. About 7 million records will now go online.

To access the records go to the State Library of Victoria website at:  scroll down to "Our latest stories" and click on "seven million insights into the past share a safer future for Victoria". When the new window opens go to column "latest posts" and scroll down to the "seven million insights… click on that hyperlink  for more information on the digitized Sands and McDougall Directories and to search them go to:

For more information on the collections of the  State Library of Victoria  see:

Thank you to Bubbles Segall, Melbourne, Australia for sharing information from the news article.

The British Library's public UK Web Archive collects millions of UK websites each year and preserves them for future generations, even when they change and disappear from the "web".  Known as the UK Web Archive it collects on behalf of the Legal Deposit Libraries- the British Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales, Bodleian Libraries-Oxford University, Cambridge University Libraries and Trinity College-Dublin. The websites contain published research, that reflect the diversity of lives, interests and activities throughout the UK, and demonstrate web innovation.  The archive is free to view accessed directly at:

The new beta version may be accessed directly at:  

At least annually the UK Archive performs "a crawl" to capture as many UK websites as they can identify. A selected number of websites are updated frequently. Only information on the "open web" is collected-nothing private. No emails or anything behind a private login is collected.  A select number of tweets are also archived.


and a treat or two...


Please note.. this is an Advent of Medieval Religious Institutions.. so please follow this blog through the series. You won't be disappointed, amazing photos and stories.

My cousin at Eureka | Anne's Family History

A Compendium of Sail Information      Sailmaker on Board              TextileRanger

Maybe mayhem... and maybe not • The Legal Genealogist

Lawlers Cemetery   Moya Sharp    Outback Family History 

and from my blogs...

That Moment in Time

handwriting transcription, castle under Turkish lake, US president hung 2 Irishmen, Victorian BDMs, Grave Tales, US military records, National Library New Zealand broadcasting since 1982, horseback librarians, 1860’s tapestry returned, Texas naturalisation records, England Roman Catholic ..baptisms, parish marriages, parish register browse, congregational records, FREE DOWNLOAD - Irish Lives Remembered, Indian conflicts through 1858, diamond cutting for disabled servicemen, South Asian soldiers WWI ..podcast, Irish bog cotton, 

Headlines of Old

Convict Photographs.. And Basic Bios - Port Arthur, Tasmania 1874  Trove Tuesday Dec. 5th  2017 ...Series 1, 

Irish Graves

Additions to Jugiong NSW thanks to Noelene Harris

As They Were

Cavan, Donegal, Dublin, Leitrim, Monaghan & Fermanagh, Monaghan, Roscommon, Sligo, Tyrone, Waterford, Wexford, November 2017 additions to the IGP ARCHIVES,

Missing Friends additions… all in chronological order            

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