
Thursday, April 11, 2024



GSQ Blog

Dara, the Archbishop’s Palace and a wedding.  Catherine Thompson

Outback Family History

Australian War Memorial newsletter incl. Anzac Day 
Click here for full news


'Delighted work has resumed on restoration of iconic restaurant': Paragon Cafe repairs to finally start   Six years after it closed its doors, work is finally scheduled to start on restoring the Paragon Cafe in Katoomba.....

Despatch Newsletter of Public Record Office Victoria    April 2024 - Introducing our new 'photo wall'    'what's new in 2023' blog posts 

National Library of Australia    read here incl. Vintage Crochet 
You can view a sample pattern for a mesh scarf on our website.
Discover Trove and more

genealogy Ireland

Tinteán Magazine
What's On  page for Australian Irish events.

Interesting Library

Atlas Obscura
The Street Snack That Baffles Scientists    Used Tires and Fresh Ramen.When Hawaii Almost Got Sold to Russia     20th-Century Replica of a 13th-Century Castle Now in Ruins     One of the Last Places to Catch a Show by This Animatronic Band   A Shuttered Car Dealership Full of Rare, Untouched 90s Cars    Frank Lloyd Wright’s Only Fully-Realized Skyscraper  Is Mars Messing With Us?  Cities With Psychological Disorders Named After Them    Ventriloquism’s Demonic Origins     Historical Wonders and Modern Curiosities Along the Danube     The Underground Grand Canyon  A Mill That Dominated the 11th-Century Sugar Industry  An Experiment Brought Bison to BornholmA Forest Built for Ships That Never Came to Be   Portugal: A Culinary Adventure from Porto to Lisbon   Honoring the World War Dead in Africa    In a Dockyard Far Far Away, a Spaceship Was Built for Film    Stalactite-Filled Caves Once Hid Illicit Liquor and Smoked Meats  More People Have Been to the Moon Than This Island    The Very Well-Loved Grave of Journalist Victor Noir     These Tunnels Were Made for Walking   Kayak or Row This Eerie Flooded Forest in Southeast Asia   Do You Have the Key to Pass This Keyhole-Shaped Canyon?  A Wishing Tree Shields the Entrance to an Underground Chapel    A Lonely Road Tied to Ghost Towns and Ghost Stories Tapeworms Bothered the Dinosaurs, Too  Fighting Robbers With Torpedos  1893’s Hottest Drink Was Orange Cider  A Square With 100s of Nesting Dolls and One Giant Hotel   The World’s Only Art Nouveau Two-Story McDonald’s   A Balkans Road Trip    A Mysterious Crypt Rediscovered  A Berlin Underpass Made Famous in Film and Screen A Once Prosperous Railroad Town Falls to Ruin Victorian’s Deathly Beauty Ideals  The Chinese Female Pirate Who Commanded 80,000 Outlaws A Park Stolen Out of Existence   Saenger Theatre Pensacola   A Church Hides a Cauldron 'Borrowed' from a Local Witch  Hotel Construction Reveals Ancient Civilization A Handless Ghost Haunts These Ruins Hidden on a Farm


Always Interesting
Anne's Family History      E is for election   F is for farmers 
Stair na hÉireann | History of Ireland    #OTD in Irish History | 8 April:
Gerry's Family History Revisiting the North Moreton witches
allenrizzi  I-95

Better Reading

Allen& Unwin

Toni Lodge Wins Booktopia's FAB Award... I Don't Need Therapy (and other lies I've told myself)  read an extract
And Then She Fell   Alicia Elliot longlisted for the 2024 Womens Prize for Fiction   check it out

Penguin Books Australia
At the Going Down of the Sun    Mary Anne O'Connor   READ A SNIPPET

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