
Friday, July 8, 2022



Panning by S.T. Gill


National Archives Aust. (N.A.A.) Newsletter many items incl. 

Cairns Family History Newsletter incl. Annual General Meeting 13 Aug 2022, More Convicts for Beginners 16 Jul 2pm. Members $2, Non members $15, Library Loan +

Wanderlust Twins


Outback Family History
Gaston Marjory Burton and many more...

Atlas Obscura
The Witch's Castle Oregon What’s in a Name? solve the puzzle

Irish Central 

Talking Animals?  allenrizzi
#OTD in Irish History | 4 July:   Stair na hÉireann | History of Ireland
Moritz Werner and Family Revisited, Part I Brotmanblog: A Family Journey

* Records-Access-Alerts Digest, Vol 183, Issue 6
(Ireland) Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland

June 2021, the IAJGS Records Access Alert reported about the Beyond 2022 Creating the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland. This was to reestablish the destroyed records resulting from the Civil War when the Public Records Office was destroyed. . The ‘Record Treasury’ at the Public Record Office of Ireland stored seven centuries of Irish records dating back to the time of the Normans. At the time of last year’s posting, it was noted that in the centenary of the Four Courts blaze next year (30 June 2022), they will launch the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland online. They did it!


The newly launched Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland, is freely accessible an open-access resource available online to all those interested in Ireland’s deep history at home and abroad.  It now has 50 million words of searchable text spanning seven centuries, 2.7 million knowledge graph triples, 150,000+ database record and over 6,000 maps.

This achievement was done with the support of 70 archival partners.

You can browse the treasury, and the growing collection of digitized materials from archives across Ireland and around the world.  See:

To read previous articles on Ireland, Irish Virtual Record Treasure and more see the IAJGS Records Access Alertarchives at:  You must be registered to access the archives. To register for the IAJGS Records Access Alert go to:  and follow the instructions to enter your email address, full name and which genealogical  organization with whom you are affiliated   You will receive an email response that you have to reply to or the subscription will not be finalized.


Jan Meisels Allen

Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee


Theresa Smith

Better Reading

Allen & Unwin

The Registrar   Neela Janakiramanan

Conviction   Frank Chalmers
"Queensland in 1976 churns with corruption. "

The River Gum Cottage  Leonie Kelsall

Jesustown   Paul Daley

Penguin Books

Deception    Lesley Pearse    START CHAPTER ONE

Sixty-Seven Days Yvonne Weldon    FIND OUT MORE

and from my blogs...

That Moment in Time

FRIDAY FOSSICKING 1st Jul 2022, ' ? bigger than pre-pandemic levels', archives newsletters & updates, Villa Charlotte Bronte, buttered eggs, claim Irish citizenship, century old records restored,

famous book hoarders, threats postal officials, overland telegraph line, Basque child refugees, competitive book sorters, anyone for 1,300 year old cookies.. to recreate that is… and so much more..

Feel free to share, the title is the link…

Headlines of Old

Trove Tuesday 5th Jul 2022  Missing Friends, over a few states, various years, some from Police Gazettes, others from newspaper ads… I wonder if any of these ‘came home’… In some postings found in TROVE, there are additions noting that people were reunited.. both in newspapers and Government Gazettes. 

If you have a ‘lost ancestor’, it could be worth looking through those notifications.

Feel free to share, the title is the link…

Keep safe and well.
This will pass. 

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