
Friday, August 23, 2019

FRIDAY FOSSICKING 23rd August 2019

Edwin Stockqueler (1829-1900) - Public DomaiAn Australian Gold Diggings, oil on canvas



An essential tool for family history bloggers Library Currants  Thanks to Carmel Galvin

New Collection Search. A powerful single search tool that provides access to both the 1.9 million items in the State Archives Collection AND 1.7 million Online Index entries in the one place for the first time. This includes 6,500 never before seen series and 300,000 new items.
Search series, items, digital images and online index entries all in the one place. 
Start your search today >

RootsTech London 2019 Keynote Speakers and Entertainers

Brisbane DNA DownUnder Report Aug 2019 | Shauna Hicks History Enterprises

RootsTech Is Coming to London  Family Search Blog

* Maureen Taylor.. The Photo Detective  Listen  or    watch

Welcoming New Homes for Family Tree Magazine and Books  The Family Curator

FGS and NGS Announce Intent to Merge  At the opening session of the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) conference in Washington D.C  it was announced that the  FGS and National Genealogical Society (NGS) intend to merge.  The two organizations, will form one consolidated group that will continue to operate as the National Genealogical Society. The merger will be completed October 1, 2020. Until then, both organizations will continue discussions and both will hold their 2020 conferences as planned: FGS in Kansas City and NGS in Salt Lake City. The first merged conference will be held in May 2021 in Richmond Virginia. That conference will expand from 4 to 5 days allowing for a society management additional day.  Records-access-alerts

Find My Past


I Love Bello Shire  incl.  Dorrigo Dramatic Club: Keeping the stage alive

Michael in Ireland  incl.  The Alarm Clock.. by Pat Watson ... great story

State Library Qld   incl.  Plantation Voices. FREE

Anglo-Celtic Connections

Outback Family History

Atlas Obscura

Yakhchāls ice in the desert  Aztec Death Whistle   The Mother Vine      oldest grape vine?

Battle Exhibit Sweden  Dalai Lama Land Rover   Ondiri Swamp blooming in Nairobi


Family History Daily

Always Interesting

Applegate Genealogy

We Might as Well Die Here

The Gentle Author

Podcast: Ireland and the Medal of Honor


Sunday Evening Art Gallery on Thursday — Vanessa Davis

Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Susanna Bauer

Brotmanblog:A Family Journey

The Story of Julius Seligmann, Scorned for Not Being Jewish and for Being Jewish

Martha Oppenheimer Floersheimer: A Mother in Search of Her Children


One More Paddle Out

Dreams and Adventures at Cosy Cottage

The Broody Sisters

The Legal Genealogist

The gift

Emily's Quill Pen

A Lyrebird Tale

Stair na hÉireann

#OTD in Irish History – 19 August:

Gerry's Family History

Murder at Northmoor


Going Local

trevo's Irish famine orphans

Earl Grey’s Irish Famine Orphans (33):Mary in Australia 

Earlier Years

Marriage 1936 style  Carmel Galvin

Simply Australia

A Return Trip to a Hidden Hawkesbury Memorial 

On The Convict Trail: 

Weld Street House & Barn

Branches On Our Haimowitz Family Tree

Wordless Wednesday: Brothers   lovely photo


(Australia) Family History Month in Australia- Victoria with Reduced Price for Downloadable Historical Certificates
Marking family history month in Australia, the State of Victoria (which includes Melbourne), has reduced the price of their downloadable uncertified historical certificates to $20 (AUS) for the month of August only. Embargo periods for births are 100 years; marriages 60 years and deaths 30 years. Birth records start from 1853, marriages and relationships from 1853 and deaths from 1853.

To read more and to see how to request a certificate go to:

Thank you to Peter Calver and Lost Cousins newsletter for informing us of this special opportunity.

Facebook and Google New Issues
Both items are quite long, so just including links..worth reading..



Happy 145th birthday Windsor Bridge   Hawkesbury heritage & happenings

Do It Today!  Claudia

Adelaide Authors: PIVOT     Liz Gauffreau


Theresa Smith

Better Reading

and from my blogs...

That Moment in Time

Knitting Spies, FF 16th Aug 2019, typhoid & gold digging, FREEBIES, transcribe suffragist papers, Scottish records, penguin jumpers, buried in bathtub, Saudi Arabia relaxes rules, holocaust survivor’s 104th birthday, he’s sold like an animal, National Archives Ireland+FREE genealogy website, Co Clare places & place names, art connects teens with centenarians, axe murderer Lizzie Borden not guilty?, avoid spending money on family research, great listings in “Always Interesting”, 
UK changes in registering marriages, Nat. Fam. History Month program, and there is always more… Feel free to share..

Headlines of Old

absconded convicts, census Sept. 1833, state of female factory.. Trove Tuesday 20 Aug 2019, Australian Royalty, numerous convict names, full descriptions, Certificate of Freedom, Old Military Barracks, government gazettes- certainly not boring!

As They Were



*      Ellen Hanly - Colleen Bawn The Eyewitness Accounts

The 200th anniversary of the tragic story brought to life through  narration and dramatic reenactment and a short film based on the eyewitness accounts of the time..

Manna for Bibliophiles

Just one of the added links… in International

“My Grandmother integrated a library in 1970. Now Iowans can’t let hate separate one…” Australia…

10 Best Libraries in Australia.. do you agree?

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