
Saturday, January 25, 2014



How many footsteps have traipsed this vast land in search of shelter, love and hope...
from the original inhabitants to those, who over time, ventured from far off lands, looking for a better life - just as they do today.

 This is a land of contrasts, vast desert to rainforests, majestic mountains to golden sands, towering water falls to trickling streams, vast cattle stations ... where to reach the boundaries, you have a day's ride... tiny villages and bustling cities...

 There is still room for homes on acreage, as well as highrise apartments towering in to the sky or homes on the typical suburban block.

Australians are a friendly lot, unless you beat them at sport, then it's a grumble and a groan, before they pat you on the back with a "she's right, mate... your shout".

We love our country, in a laid back kind of way... we are creative and innovative, we are descendants of many lands, of many cultures, but most of all, we are proud Australians.

So, raise a glass and help celebrate our past, our present and our future... and we'll welcome you with open arms.

(c) copyright of all photos remains with Crissouli with one exception
(c) photo of Uluru is licensed for free use by Thomas Schoch 
    refer Wikimedia


  1. Thank you, Sharon...
    Happy Australia Day to you also.

  2. Beautifully written Chris and describes perfectly our past, present and hopes for the future. Thankyou.

  3. Thank you, Catherine, glad you liked it.

  4. Ooops just looked at the time - happy Australia day for yesterday!

  5. Never too late for good wishes, besides, today's the public holiday for Australia Day and as you know, we Aussies like to celebrate as long as we can.. So Happy Australia Day to all!

  6. Lovely post Chris. And the photos are great. We have such a diverse and amazing country.

  7. Thank you, Pauleen.. We sure do have such a diverse country.. It was hard choosing which photos to use, I wanted to show more than the expected.. and most known, but had to use that great photo i'd had of Uluru.

  8. Belated best wishes for Australia Day. Any excuse is taken to get together with the family to celebrate how lucky we truly are in this country. Our freedoms, customs and generous spirit are sometimes taken for granted but I hope these are the things that will be carried by future generations. Yesterday we danced in front of a band with all the young ones. They couldn't stop hugging us afterwards and said goodbye several times (and not to make sure we were actually leaving either lol). A great day and proud to be Australian.

  9. I'm sure they will be carried on, Rob, just as we have carried on our family traditions... your Dad would have loved all that, I can hear the "Didja..." as if it was yesterday...Rob's Dad loved to tell stories that mostly started with "Didja hear the one about..." He loved a party. Family is what keeps us all bound together... wish I'd been with you. Happy Australia Day is for every day!

  10. wonderful post Chris, belated Happy Australia Day

  11. Thank you, Kerryn... Belated Happy Australia Day to you also!


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