
Friday, June 29, 2012

WORDS FROM THE PAST.. to Teach Those in the Present

My Great Uncle. Martin Dillon, wrote this quite some years ago.. he passed away in 1999, aged 93 years and 8 months. I wonder what he would write today? I didn't get to meet him, nor Bridget, his sister and my grandmother... she died when my Mum was just 11. However, I came to know Uncle Martin a little through our years of letter writing... how I loved getting his newsy letters..



  1. Such a gem to have the words of our ancestors. Thanks for sharing this article. I did enjoy reading it.

  2. Thanks, Fi... I will have to dig out some more... I loved reading about his travels. Don't hold your breath though, as I, along with some others, have just started a Clare research group on Facebook... let me know if you are interested...

  3. 33 of his 83years working abroad...phew!!! I wonder if he met and married Agnes in Ireland or the US of A? Fascinating to read your great uncle's reflections Chris, thanks.
    Hope I'm not being too "pushy" but I'd like to join your Clare FB group, if I'm eligible.
    Cheers, Catherine

  4. He had an interesting life didn't he... He met Agnes in Ireland.. Pushy? Delighted... can you please email me at crissouli at gmail dot com and give me your Facebook name and I'll sign you in. Thanks...Chris


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