
Friday, December 23, 2011

AS I REMEMBER...........Christmas Eve

AS I REMEMBER...........Christmas Eve
A chorus of cicadas herald the warm summer nights,
in strange harmony with the buzzing of brightly coloured beetles....
The neighbourhood resonates with the thwack of ball hitting bat,
as energetic children challenge the fading light, to remain just a little longer.
Weary mothers, mentally making numerous lists,
for shopping, for cooking, for cleaning....all to be crammed into too few hours.
Perplexed dads, not  believing that yet another year has scurried past ,
wondering when their children were first able to outrun them.
It's a time of whispering of secrets, and sudden silences.....
followed by muffled giggles and a harmony of "shhhhhhh!"
Eucalyptus competes with the scent of jasmine ... and ripe mangoes!
Roasting turkeys and chickens work the senses overtime...
Bubbling puddings and cooling gingerbread, 
all send the promise of a feast to come.
There are melons to cool and drinks to chill,
 extra chairs to be set beside the long table on the verandah.
The tree is trimmed, presents piled teasingly beneath, tinsel quivers in the breeze.
Midnight mass, or perhaps extra prayers at bedtime...
Assurances that Santa would've received the much fretted over letters...
and hearing muffled yawns, as tiny eyes try in vain to stay open.
Christmas in'll do me!
Crissouli (c)


  1. Oh, so beautiful Chris and perfectly described. Christmas in Australia will "do me" too :-) Wishing you, and yours, a WONDERFUL 2012 Christmas, Catherine

  2. Maybe not as many of us share this entire Christmas scenario these days, but I have fond memories of so many similar Christmases. We have the grandchildren here, so hopefully, gingerbread men will be made tomorrow as is our tradition.

    May all the Blessings of Christmas be yours as well as being shared with your extended family. Every happiness and wishes for good health, love and laughter,


  3. Once again capturing an Aussie Christmas in lieu of the snow and mistletoe. Great work Chris!

  4. Thank you, Pauleen... there are so many things that typify an Aussie Christmas, with so many variations... the fragrant summer fruits and their glorious colours... frangipannis, poinsettias.. tinsel flapping in the breeze... the icecream vans trawling the streets...children laughing in pools...the oppressive heat that calls for a beer or at least an ice filled lemonade. Cricket on the television and in every neighbourhood park... Santa's helpers grateful for the coldest of air conditioning, that helps them face the long queues of bright eyed children... it's Christmas in Australia...and we'd have it no other way.


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