
Monday, October 10, 2011

CLARE MEMORIES.. Oral Gatherings of history

A wonderful organisation is gathering the oral history of our elders... this is just a little of what they do... for more refer to the link at the end of this post.

"We are motivated by a sense of urgency, mindful that our current elderly population may represent the last link to an older way of life in Clare. We intend to provide a platform for the dissemination of the material we collect through co-operation with community groups, schools, third level institutions, and the broader public.

Since, the establishment of Cuimhneamh an Chláir, The Clare Oral History and Folklore Group, over sixty of Clare’s elders have been digitally recorded by our entirely voluntary group.  At the time of writing, five of those recorded have passed to their eternal reward.  With each recording, the value of our work is reinforced by the realisation that once lost, no contrivance on earth can bring these unique memories back.   An early policy, passed by the founding members of Cuimhneamh an Chláir was to provide each family of an interviewee, with a free copy of the recording.  In the case of families who have since lost their loved ones, the opportunity to hand back a disk containing the voice and memories of their grandfather or grandmother, husband, uncle or grandaunt, has been an incredibly rewarding and gratifying act."

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