
Thursday, August 4, 2011



There are dolmades and keftethes, youvaralakia  for you,
of course, taramosalata, and kalamaria there too...
and then there's spanakopita, and just a little fava will do...
don't forget pastitso, maybe one, no, perhaps it's better,  two....

but first some tiropitakia, ahh, some feta, that is good,
get some olives, some militzanosalta, I really think you should...
we must be sure to have tzatziki, some skorthalia if we could
and we must have tomates yemistes, served on the tray of wood...

I've yet to make the baklava, or galataboureko,
kourabiethes and koulourakia, maybe, not some more..
I've put the melopita in the cupboard near the door
I've got to wash the curtains and polish all the floor...

Lots of nice Greek coffee, and some ouzo for the men
a little slice of yaourtopita for when the meal does end..
of course it's not a feast day, though we have them now and then...
much better celebration, my son is home again!

Crissouli (c) 2006

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